Charismatic Rockstar Heidi Baker Says She Loves to Smell Lepers and Kiss their Toes

Heidi baker is a rockstar within the Charismatic movement and is a very busy lady. She’s the founder & President of Iris Global and Rolland & Heidi Baker Ministries, and is a missionary partnered with and sent out by Bill Johnson and Bethel Church. She’s the Global Leader of Empowered 21, as well as the Co-founder of the Revival Alliance Network.
Notably, the Revival Alliance was formed around Easter 2006 in response to a prophetic assignment from Bob Jones. Charter member Che Ahn explains:
“In 2005, Bob Jones prophesied to Heidi and Rolland Baker to form a new network that would be the container for the one billion souls coming in. He named John and Carol Arnott, Bill and Beni Johnson, Randy and Deanne Clark along with Sue and me among those to be involved. God also revealed Georgian and Winnie Banov’s involvement as we all met together to pray and strategize.”
Baker is also about as crazy as a rat in a coffee can and has terrible theology (despite what the Remnant Radio guys say about her), which you can read more about here.
Baker insists that she is frequently taken to heaven, where she speaks with God the Father directly and where he shows her the mysteries of the faith. She has specifically taught that there is a “body parts” room in heaven, where severed eyeballs, skin, arms, and bones are, and that God gives her access to this room, where he pulls the “product” from whenever she heals people.
In a recent video, she reiterates a recent trip to the Body Parts room and declares how much she loves kissing, hugging, and smelling lepers, whom she ostensibly heals. She also insists that she uses the Body Parts room to heal the hearing of every member of certain African tribes.
It’s no wonder so many mock and shun Christianity when this is the example they witness. The NAR is an absolute dumpster fire fueled by opportunistic, narcissistic grifters fleecing a desperate, undiscerning, and naive flock.
Basta !! (To borrow a phrase from Cindy Jacobs)
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