Woke Pastors Claim That God the Father Worships US

Jermell Witherspoon and Royce Yeun are the impastors of Common Good Church in Bellevue, WA, one-two punch combination of Christ-hating heretics if there ever was one.
Four years ago, Yeun preached a message titled “-Isms: Heterosexism,” which argued Christians need to “shift” their understanding of what the Bible says about queer affirmation.
Their church swiftly did that very thing, coming to “fully affirm and celebrate our LGBTQIA+ siblings and believe that everyone— no matter their sexual orientation, gender identity, or marital status— belongs here and can share in the worship, rites, sacraments, membership, and leadership of this church.”
Four months ago, Witherspoon and co. gave us a peak at the state of their hearts, revealing that the “Affirming-to-Pagan Pipeline” remains as true as ever. In the sermon, the pastors claim that God the Father loves us so much that he worships us.
Witherspoon: “What if God worships me? Can you say that with me? What if God worships me?….’A God who worships me’ is quite the statement. I know, but follow me. Now I get it, we’ve started to worship a very big heteronormative white Jesus that we constantly thank for standing between us and a mean God…”
Yeun: We declare that you are God that worships us. That’s how much you love us. That’s how much you desire us. That’s how much you are for us….you are inviting us into a new way of worship, where when we step into your presence, we come with our full selves.
h/t Woke Preacher TV
Sure, the potter worships the clay. Not.
God spare the naive and undiscerning from the burgeoning number of biblical ignorant fools masquerading as teachers.
Sincere question: Have anyone ever observed a Woke pastor/leader call out another Woke pastor/leader (for anything significant)? I haven’t, at least that I can recall.
Part of the reason is they have a low view of objectivity and objective/unchanging standards, by which to judge.
A low view of Scripture leads to the knowing acquiescence to any manner of bad theology
And this only spreads upwards into the (formerly) orthodox teachers such as Dr. Michael Brown and Sam Storms 😬