Former Pastor and Activist Shaun King Converts To Islam, Serving His Father The Devil

Progressive activist and professional grifter Shaun King has converted to Islam, saying goodbye to the Christian faith he once claimed to possess but never actually did.
King, who rose to prominence during the Black Lives Matter movement, used to be a pastor at Total Grace Christian Center in DeKalb County, Georgia, though it’s unclear (and doubtful) whether he was ever formally ordained or even attended seminary.

He soon left and founded Courageous Church in 2008, which became part of the Association of Related Churches (ARC). He led it for two years but then saw it swiftly collapse after King tried to mold it into a social justice weapon. He spent less time preaching and fulfilling the marks of a church, shifting the mission and shaping it to be more activist than ecclesiastical.
Eventually, he stopped holding weekly services and instead held large celebrations once a month based on social justice causes, which were poorly received by congregants, who stopped showing up. He told Buzzfeed News:
I could not understand why people who said they loved the Jesus in Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John were content to reduce their Christianity to a 90-minute service on Sunday,. But they were men and women who had hardly missed a Sunday, and I was all of a sudden asking them to tinker with what they knew as Christianity and try it in a totally different way.
His co-pastor wife Rai agreed, sharing her own misgivings:
I have never loved leading this church. Ever. I didn’t want to plant it and have had just a handful of days since planting it that I felt like it was worth it.”
He would go on to start many activist organizations, which were frequently plagued with money issues and accusations of financial impropriety. King saw further controversy emerge over claims he was pulling a Rachel Dolezal and wasn’t bi-racial, as well as decades of heated statements about social injustice, supporting every progressive trope from abortion to LGBTQ rights to defunding the police and tearing down stained glass in churches that featured “white Jesus.”
Throughout all this, he touted his pastoral creds and Christian faith, wielding it as a weapon for clout in the mold of Rev. Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.
And now he has converted to Islam; his first honest faith act in decades, sharing a video of him reciting the shahadah alongside imam Omar Suleiman.

King went out from us because he was never really of us and hasn’t been for a long time. He has gone from plying the name of Jesus for internet points and clout to openly serving his father the devil.
Pray that King gets saved for the first time, repents of his false religion, and comes to properly understand faith in Christ.
I guess embracing a totally made-up antichrist religion was his natural last step. King has always been a narcissistic opportunist/grifter. Maybe he can dupe some attention and money out of the Muslims…
Not sure whether this is genuine either