Megachurch Pastors Make Explicit Sexual Jokes The During Sermon: ‘Give That Man Some Pasta, Some Peace, and Some P-‘

Pastor Reginald Steele and Kelley Steele are the founders and pastors of Kingdom Church, a non-denomination megachurch in the metropolitan Phoenix area, as well as the founders and hosts of Kingdom Conference, which frequently features Trinity-Denying, prosperity-preaching heretic Bishop T.D Jakes.
During a recent sermon series on family and marriage, the two tag-teamed a message about what men and women need from each other. During a section on submission, Kelley shares the importance of keeping a clean home and making oneself sexually available as part of a covenant marriage.
“Make sure your husband has what he needs. Make (sure to say) “Listen, I’m mad at you, but you can still get this- I’m not holding nothing hostage.’
…You make yourself available to him because he will find somebody out there, some trick, some hoe, some homewrecker that will give him exactly what he needs with no rules.”
And man of God, if she’s not doing what you want her to do as a wife, let her know, “You’re dirty. My house stinks…can I get a hot meal that’s not frozen first? “
Kelley shares that after her husband travels, he would come home and she’d have “something piping hot in the bedroom,” prompting the pastors to joke that the three things men want are ‘pasta’, ‘peace’, and ‘the other P word,’ and that women want ‘dedication’, ‘dollars’, and ‘the other d’ (coarse slang for men and women’s genitals.)
I’ve seen as bad or worse in “churches”, including a sexual joke about peanut butter and what a man and woman could do with it at a Cincinnati multicampus megachurch – which almost resulted in an adultery solicitation – I didn’t allow it to get that far, and months later that wife’s husband trying to show me naked pictures of her in the shower (both were volunteer staff members). I left that place – flee sexual immorality – and have learned since learned to avoid the situations better.
That whole place was filled with sexual immorality, including even one of “deacons” (or their equivalent, they didn’t have them”, impregnating another deacons wife, with everyone knowing it. Remarrying divorced people. rampant alcoholic drinking on church property, etc. And I’ve seen it elsewhere.
1 – if a place is doing such things in the open and from the pulpit, leave that place. Not only is it a blasphemous abuse of the pulpit, but it is only being done to solicit others and see what they will put up with. It’s not a joke and those places will be filled with evil.
2 – Church is from the greek that means “Lord’s”. Those people who are doing such aren’t the Lord’s, and it’s not “church”. Separate yourself.
Name the “church” Tim. Don’t protect the place and hide it’s identity. Christians must expose the wicked.
Why am I not shocked…because these megachurches preaching the prosperity gospel instead of the gospel of Christ are apostate and will burn in hell in the end…good riddance to the devils in the pulpit and the sheep that attend and support.
No clue to what the Bible says about course talk. They are like animals and don’t know the character of God. Seeing the do not see, and hearing the do not hear. There minds are debased, si what comes out is what they put in.
I do not have to watch or listen. One image of “pastors” wearing camoflauge outfits, tells me ALL I need to know. They are militant blacks, blasphaming, God Jehovah/Yahweh and are an offence to Him.
And EVERY person in their “church” is guilty of the same. God Gives Wisdom. But ONLY if a person seeks it. If you lie down with dogs, you are going to get fleas… Every member of that congress (look it up), is infested and I would not walk one step out of my way, to save any one of them. They found what they sought (evil) now they will be counted as evil.
Are we going back to the 80’s now when it comes to churches? It looks that way to me. Playing silly games like this in the church. It’s Tammy Faye and the water works all over. This Church needs auditing by a completely disinterested party. I’ll bet there is more money going out the back door & into those pockets on stage, then is going to the God’s work.
While this was absolutely sin, the key things to look at are: the responses (or lack thereof) of the people involved in the sin; the responses of the attendees; the lack of consequences; the minimizing; the attacking those who point out the problems; etc.
I don’t know what is worse, these two sick false teachers with their filthy talk and course jesting, or the people laughing and clapping and PRAISING GOD for such vile preaching. Where is Satan’s seat? Too often in MANY CHURCHES…. with their whore prophetess Jezebel.
Check out this goat pen’s “Power Couples” retreat–if you can afford it:
One has but to look at many of our churches to know that God will surely not withhold His righteous judgment much longer from this increasingly wicked society…