Pastor ‘Binds the Booty Call In Jesus Name’ + ‘Takes Control’ of the Booty Call

Matthew Stevenson is the lead pastor of All Nations Chicago, a charismatic church that emphasizes the 5-fold ministry.” Stevenson’s bio describes him as a “global influencer, culturalist and visionary, violently raised up by God during this complex moment in history” whose ministry is “earmarked by powerful preaching, bold delivery and unusual supernatural activity.”
Claiming to be “Intensely gifted in the prophetic” whereby “thousands around the world have been dramatically impacted by his very timely, direct, and specific prophetic words,” he reveals he is “an apostolic leader with the Father’s heart entrenched in his life.”
As some have already identified, he’s also preaching and teaching some very, very bad things.
During a Jan 24, 2023 sermon, Stevenson preached the importance of having a robust prayer life, including the need to be in prayer throughout the day, because their lack of prayer reflects their circumstances. He insists a lack of prayer explains why their boss is getting on their nerves, why their child is not acting right, or why their relationship has no peace.
He claims the Lord has revealed to him that some in his congregations are slaves to the booty call, likening it to a demon that must be bound and cast out.
“In the name of Jesus get rid of the booty call!” Come on will you help me real quick?…Slap somebody and say “break the booty call, break the booty call!” I give you permission right now, tell ’em “in the name of Jesus, I take authority over the booty call.”
I know what I heard by the spirit of God, break the booty call!”
Showboating narcissistic opportunist – one of many infesting pulpits. Pathetic.