Doug Wilson’s Church Sends Cease and Desist Letter to “Examining Moscow” Demanding They Shut Down

Pastor Doug Wilson and Christ Church Moscow served the online group known as “Examining Moscow” with a lengthy letter demanding the group close down or face legal action, describing “hundreds of social media posts” and the group’s website as “actionably defamatory.”
The letter, served by the Clare Locke law firm and published publicly, describes in detail Wilson and the church’s response to four specific instances, including claims about a Logos School basketball player, accusations that Wilson covered up sexual assault, that Wilson and his wife “pried into the sex lives of minors at Logos School,” and that Wilson’s teachings “encourage marital rape.”
The letter reads in part:
These four lies barely scratch the surface of your defamatory work; a full catalogue would span hundreds if not thousands of pages. Indeed, Examining Doug Wilson’s whole being is devoted to manufacturing, republishing, and spreading lies about Pastor Wilson, Christ Church, and Logos School. You apparently know no boundaries, attacking even a high-schooler for the crime of attending Logos.
This harassment has gone on long enough. You portray Pastor Wilson and anyone affiliated with him as predators who view women and children as servile playthings for men’s sexual desires. What began as petty, internecine spatting from those who have nothing better to do with their time has led Christians to become bedfellows with a dishonest media driven by contempt for the Church, its servants, and the Christian faith. The media have deceived you into thinking you are doing more good than harm by participating in their efforts to dismantle Christianity in the public realm. But the objects of your vitriol want only to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to serve God and man in their community. They never invited this, and they have stayed peaceful and prayerful throughout. Christ Church will no longer sit idly by while it is maligned by a group protected from scrutiny by its anonymity—anonymity that will disappear in the context of any litigation. We demand a complete retraction of each of your accounts and a prompt, public apology to Christ Church, Logos School, Pastor Wilson, and Pastor Wilson’s family.
Read the full letter below:
If there was any solid accusation of the kind implied by “Examining Moscow”, they could take up the matter in the U.S. court system and probably do quite well. The fact that the accusations they are leveling (sexual assault) are criminal offenses makes me wonder why they limit their activity to what amounts to a smear campaign. If they have the receipts, then by all means deliver them to the authorities, but until then, “put up or shut up”.
I write this as someone who is no particular fan of DW but if he is to be criticized, those criticisms should be made legitimately.
Good point
Lawfare is the main weapon of the maoist regime currently wearing the blackrobes of the judiciary. Christians will find no allies of honesty sitting on the benches of the courts. CC and DW should plead there case in the court’s of heaven.
You are a delusional fucking moron. The modern judiciary is more favorable towards Christianity than it has been in decades. Assuming that a rational judiciary is somehow fucking “maoist” is a fucking luncatic idea. Fuck you, go to hell you delusional fucking paranoid moron. I hate you.
Repent and believe the gospel.
Innuendo and ad hominems are primary tools used by those with no arguments. All can be subject to inspection but hurling baseless attacks has its limitations
I challenge anyone who thinks these people are alright to watch the video with Doug and Nancy Wilson as she explains her child rearing theory-spank them until they smile!