Podcast: Protestia Publisher Launches $10,000,000 Lawsuit+ Is it Possible to ‘Emotionally Abuse’ Someone?

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On this episode of Protestia Tonight for January 24th, 2024, David discusses the particulars of why he has launched a $10,000,000 lawsuit against the military and has chosen to fight a legal battle for the free speech of military members. (sound quality lower than normal due to recording location)
On Bible Bashed, Tim and Harrison note that ’emotional abuse’ is a term frequently thrown around in situations where a person is consistently unloving, rude, and aggressive towards others. Christians are no strangers to this phenomenon as we have biblical narrative after biblical narrative that describes God’s people interacting with the same sort of rude, unloving, and aggressive people. So why is it that we praise God’s people when they responded correctly towards others but then tell people in our daily life that they are a victim of their circumstances and can’t help the way they feel?