Greg Locke’s Church ‘Gravely Damaged’ After Winter Storm: ‘The Whole Tent is Beginning to Implode’

Global Vision Bible Church’s building has undergone “a grave amount of damage,” according to pastor Greg Locke, due to the storm that has battered the areas and caused their gathering place to “buckle from the outside in.”
Unlike most traditional churches, GVBC meets outside in a large tent rather than in a physical building, making him more susceptible to inclement weather.
This is not the first time it’s happened. Two years ago, a tornado swept through the area and destroyed the new 3000-person capacity tent they erected mere months ago, causing over $100,000 in damages.
Locke shared, “With all the snow accumulation and the wind and more snow to come, the tent is just not able to handle the weight of it.” This has resulted in the walls buckling, the framing being bent from the inside, the couplings and railings of the tent’s canopy being snapped, and holes being ripped through the roof, including a 30-foot tear.
Locke estimates that the cost to repair will be approximately $150,000 and asked supporters to consider donating.
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