Move Over Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer Introduces ‘JoyceCube’

Three years after Joel Osteen introduced the “Joel Osteen Inspiration Cube,” an electronic device that played daily affirmation, inspirations, and brief sermon clips from the Prince of Pablum and Positivity for the tidy sum of $39.99, Joyce Meyer has gotten in on the action, introducing the Joyce Meyer Daily Encouragement Audio Cube, or JoyceCube.

80-year-old Joyce Meyers is long thought to be one of the ‘Big three’ heretics, along with Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn. Popular with women and effeminate men, the famed multi-millionaire televangelist’s ministry brings in over $100 million yearly and is known for her word-faith teachings. We tagged her recently after it was revealed she was paid by Hillsong $150,000 for one sermon, and has a long history of collecting sky-high honorariums.
She has a bizarre view of the atonement where Jesus paid for our sins in hell, believes that Jesus stopped being the Son of God for a time, that Jesus had to be born-again, that Jesus went to hell in our place and was tormented, that if you don’t believe Jesus went to hell, you cannot be saved, and that the scripture teaches that we are little gods. This is all while claiming that she routinely receives revelation from God and the angels.
The promo material reads:
“What if you could access a literal library of Joyce’s teachings on nearly every topic? The NEW Daily Encouragement Audio Cube comes loaded with over 400 dynamic messages by Joyce to help you grow in your walk with God, improve your relationships, make wise decisions, overcome fear, and enjoy life to the fullest.”
The audio cube includes “365 Daily Encouragements, 52 Weekly Wisdom, 31 Full Audio Teachings” and cannot be updated with new content from the ministry. Unlike the Joel Osteen Cube which was offered for 40 bucks, the JoyceCube is being given out for a donation of any amount.

h/t Revealing Truth on YouTube
follow the money, if you can, because the false prophets won’t allow anyone to see the accounting.
Too bad this isn’t a Babylon Bee article.