Woman Sues NY Megachurch For ‘Gender Bias’ After Being Turned Down for Sr. Pastor Job

A prominent megachurch in New York City is being sued for “gender bias” and “sexism” after they turned down a woman’s bid to become the first female Senior Pastor in the church’s 215-year history.
Forty-seven people applied to fill the position at Abyssinian Baptist Church following the death of longtime senior Pastor Rev. Calvin Butts in 2022, including radical racialist Eboni Marshall Turman.
Turnman graduated from Union Theological Seminary in New York City, the most liberal seminary in the world (see endnotes), and was the only female applicant. She insists she was met with sexism and discrimination during the interview process. One of her complaints is that search committee chair Valeria Grant allegedly told her that Abyssinian would only hire a woman as its Senior Pastor ‘over my dead body,'”
Turman, who was one of the pastors at Abyssinian but has since left in light of her lawsuit, is suing for” lost wages, lost benefits, other economic damages, shame, humiliation, embarrassment, and mental distress”- in the form of unspecified monetary damages.
A church spokesperson released a statement regrading the suite, noting in part: While she and others were considered for the role because of their impressive backgrounds, she ultimately fell short of some key requirements for the role, where other finalist candidates prevailed and moved forward in the process.”
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I was canceled from a church job that I was due to start the following Sunday because I was “against homosexuals, anti-immigrant, intolerant, against diversity, etc.” My mistake was letting two staff members be accepted as “friends” on my private FB page. One was a leftist woke woman. I wasn’t allowed to speak to the accusation of whatever I posted on FB (that the person worked on over the weekend to have the search committee rescind the job) and completely disregard my right to due process. Did I sue? No. Did I want to? Honestly, yes because it was loss of income and detrimental reliance and I didn’t play for over 1 year because I had no other job since I had already submitted my resignation from my prior position.
A friend gave me great advice: “yes, you have a lawsuit (her husband is an attorney), but if you sue, you would have to have money for it and you will probably never play in that part of the state ever again.” My friend was right plus we are supposed to let God handle it and I ended up being thankful that I didn’t go there given how woke the church was and still is.
This is just something for her to get her 15 minutes. She is wrong on so many levels, but most importantly she is going against the Bible. But these folks don’t want the Bible or God anyway. As Aaron Prager said on an interview with his father Dennis Prager on a recent Fireside Chat: Ego stands for “Edging God Out.”
Did read it right in the article that the plaintiff was a “pastor” at said church prior to applying for the lead pastor role?
No doubt the fact that Scripture precludes a woman from being a head pastor means nothing to this individual. She sounds perfect for the job in today’s church, and even better if she were to come out as gay/transgendered/sexually confused 🙂
This is the church that was once pastored by the notorious Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Calvin Butts was the pastor who welcomed Fidel Castro to the church in the mid-1990s.