Christianity Today Gets Torched for ‘Pro-Personal Pronoun’ Article

Christianity Today, under the purposeful leadership of Russell Moore, continues its slow descent into spiritual stupidity, outraging conservatives twice in one week (and getting social media traffic for the first time in forever) after first claiming that Jesus was Asian and now by suggesting there’s nothing wrong with using personal pronouns.

In the article, The Christian Post recounts the termination of two professors from Houghton University, a private Christian University in New York associated with a conservative faction of the Wesleyan Church, for refusing to remove their personal pronouns from their email signatures, then delves into a lengthy discussion on the issue of personal pronouns.
Notably, author Kata Bettis Carvalho predominantly features people and organizations advocating for their use and making the case for their consideration, as opposed to only a few dissenting voices. While the Carvalho doesn’t expressly advocate for their use personally, the three statements that have appeared to engender the most discussion and fallout include those suggesting faithful Christians on either sides can disagree on the matter.
While some evangelical Christians don’t mind identifying their pronouns, others believe that doing so—or referring to someone by a pronoun that doesn’t match their birth sex—makes inherent ontological claims that should not be glossed over.
….The discussion over pronouns goes beyond “virtue signaling” or “political correctness.” Christians who have thought deeply about this issue understand the role of language in shaping reality and thought and believe it’s central in how we treat people as image-bearers of worth and value.and:
As declaring pronouns becomes more ubiquitous, what’s a Christian to do? Christian leaders who hold a spectrum of opinions agreed: Everything is changing so fast, we’re figuring it out together, and we should give each other grace.
Thankfully, the article resulted in near universal condemnation, with some folks writing:

Backround on the two fired profs”: Though some alumni were upset about the ordeal, promoting a petition that accumulated several hundred signatures, it appears that Houghton is in the process of righting some wrongs. Two years ago, they rescinded recognition of an on-campus LGBTQ support group after it refused to promote biblical notions of sex and gender.
Petition organizers specifically requested that the institution “acknowledge that there is a range of views reasonably held by faithful and active Christians on topics of gender, sexuality, and race. In practice, this would mean a broadened understanding of the views that are acceptable for staff, faculty, and chapel speakers to hold and express.” In a letter sent to petition organizers and alums, however, Houghton President Wayne Lewis was adamant about the University’s position and denied their request, writing:
Now, I will not sign your statement of affirmation. I have been consistently and explicitly clear about my priorities and the direction of the university. Houghton provides an intentionally Christ-centered, academically challenging education in the liberal arts and sciences to students from diverse traditions and backgrounds….
Using the language of your affirmation, I will not “broaden [Houghton’s] understanding of the views that are acceptable for staff, faculty, and chapel speakers to hold and express.”…. We do, however, require as a condition of employment that all employees be respectful of the positions, doctrine, and beliefs of the university. However, Houghton unapologetically privileges an orthodox Christian worldview, rooted in the Wesleyan theological tradition. (which states ‘we privilege the understanding of marriage as between a man and a woman, and the sanctity of life from conception to natural death.”)
Only a godless fool would take anything at Christianity Today as biblical truth.
This is a good example of why people are leaving churches in droves. So-called church leaders from all denominations have become caught up in secular society’s fads rather than preaching the eternal truths of Holy Scripture and its lessons that still apply today as always.
Chrisianity Today is advocating we all participate in lies.
Nowhere in The Bible is found an advocacy of lying.
That secular irreligious rag can now be ignored forever.
I don’t understand what the surprise is. Christianity today has never supported actual Christianity or the word of God. It is and always has been a purveyor of humanism disguised as Christianity. Essentially one of the false prophets we are warned about in scripture. It has been from day one. Anyone who is surprised by this had better go back to scripture and make sure they are reading the same thing I am because I have assurance of my salvation. It’s hard to believe anyone else who has assurance of their salvation has ever given this rag even a second look. It is and always has been trash.
People who finally say this is their line in sand had better make sure they are in the right Desert. Because this rag crossed the line of not following or representing scripture from day one. Apostate religions cling to it. I don’t know of one actual Christian that would give this rag a second look.
This mag is NOT Christian anymore. They certainly do NOT know their Bible or Jesus. They now use the devil’s preferred method of communication, mixing the truth and the lie.
Christianity Today is on a roll. They have consistently run several absolutely garbage and infuriating articles in 2023. Are they under new management or something similar? There has to be a reason for them going off the rails so badly, and they keep doing it despite the massive negative feedback they are getting.
I agree with Doug. CT from its inception has been on a slippery slope. It was the voice for the New Evangelical/Billy Grahamism type of Christianity built on the sand of humanism.
Faithful men of God warned about it and exactly where it would lead over a half century ago and some still are.
And, these men were dismissed as hateful, unloving, and Pharisees, or ‘fundies’ in the new modern , and cooool ‘church’ vocabulary.