Coming to America? Brian Houston Announces He’s Starting New Church

Former Hillsong global senior pastor Brian Houston announced that he and his wife Bobbi are starting a new online ministry and forming a new church in 2024, according to a post on X, and that he’s “excited about building this new community.’

The move comes less than two years after Houston was terminated from his role as head of Hillsong. At the time, it was revealed by church leadership that Houston was accused of committing indiscretions with two women and having a drinking problem, including getting drunk and spending nearly an hour in a woman’s hotel room in 2019. Houston would say he mixed alcohol with sleeping tablets and had no memory of the hotel room encounter, but that he just fell asleep and didn’t do anything improper.
Many disagreed. Days before his firing, John Mays, Hillsong’s head of People and Development, sent a scathing internal memo to the church’s senior board, writing that Houston “considered himself beyond disciplinary boundaries” and that “We have been led by a leader who considers himself above normal societal expectations in a range of areas, including many which might be considered mandatory in nature.”
After his termination, it was also revealed that Brian and Bobbie Houston were some of the most irresponsible, money-grubbing spendthrifts in the world, with the two frequently spending thousands of dollars on meals at the exclusive Nobu restaurant, which we covered in Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church (Number 4 is $2433.38). (See other scandals in the endnotes) All these funds come from the sacrificial tithes and offerings of the congregants.
Since his dismissal from Hillsong, Houston has been traveling the world preaching, mostly in American churches, where he’s received a warm welcome. Houston previously revealed that he no longer feels welcome in Australia due to his and Hillson’s notoriety, and he has been selling off their luxury furniture and properties. When he hosted an event six months back in his home country inviting friends and supporters to come and hear about the future with him, a little more than a hundred showed up, with the venue empty and cavernous.
For this reason, it’s almost a certainty that his church plant will be in the United States.
For more on Houston and Hillsong, see below:
Hillsong Leader Expenses $40,086.05 in ONE MONTH (One Meal Was $6156.64)
Top 10 Luxury Hotels Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Spoiler: The Cheapest is $8457.42)
Hillsong Church Gives T.D. Jakes, Joyce Meyer $150K for One Sermon
Top 10 Weirdest Things Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Number 7 is $1467.28 for a Single Uber Ride)
Hillsong Church ‘Clarifies’ Charging Compassion $1,000,000.00… In the Worst Way Possible
Hillsong Gives Ann Voskamp $107,000 in Honorariums for One Appearance
Report: Hillsong Foundation Raised $21M For Charities, But only Gave Them 1% of the Money
What is ‘Hillsong Family’, and Why Do Some Churches Pay $100K a Year to Join It? Ft. Judah Smith
Hillsong’s Compassion Contract Details Revealed: What $1,000,000 Really Gets You
Hillsong Church Salaries, Royalties, Benefits Revealed. $1.9M, $ 1.7M, $1.5M, $876K, $540K
There’s simply too much money to be had to not start another pretend church, eh Brian? And American believer-wannabes are such easy marks – fertile ground for somebody like you. Let the fleecing begin!