UK Parliament Considering Bill Severing Church of England’s Ties to Government

A liberal Democrat lawmaker is set to introduce a bill next month that would completely sever the Church of Anglican from the British government, according to a report by The Christian Post.
Called the ‘The Disestablishment of the Church of England’ bill, Paul Scriven, whose baby this is, explained on X, “I’m looking forward to introducing this Bill that will finally deal with the Church of England being one of many religious organizations and not the State Church with the privileges that bring.”

Because Anglicanism is the official state religion of the United Kingdom, the Church of England is given certain privileges, including automatically granting 26 Bishops a seat in the House of Lords- the upper house of the Parliament-and therefore being able to influence legislation.
Commenting on the legislation, Stephen Evans, the CEO National Secular Society who favors the bill, wrote in an op-ed:
Disestablishment would be a boon for democracy and freedom of religion and belief, too. It would end the automatic right of twenty-six Anglican clerics to seats in the House of Lords. Removing this undue religious influence from our political process would help to ensure government decisions are based on secular, rational, and democratic principles rather than religious dogma or favouritism…Disestablishment would signal a forward-looking Britain committed to equality, inclusivity, and liberal democratic principles. “
The move comes as the Church of England recently voted to start blessing same-sex marriages in a desperate bid for relevancy and in complete capitulation to the devil himself, at a time when less than half of the population of the UK no longer consider themselves Christian, and only 0.8% attend a Church of England church on a weekly basis.