Prominent Alleged Abuse Survivor Claims SBC. Prez Bart Barber Is Trying to Commit Her to Psych Ward for Six Months

Prominent alleged sexual abuse survivor Hannah-Kate Osborne (Williams), who is currently embroiled in a series of lawsuits against the Southern Baptist Convention over claims they ignored her alleged abuse, is now claiming that SBC president Bart Barber and the SBC Executive Committee are seeking to have her strip- searched and involuntarily committed to a psych ward for six months. 

Osborne, who we last wrote about after claiming she played a key role in the SBC’s upcoming declaration of bankruptcy- which has not materialized yet- and then claimed she received a “$3000 bill for crisis intervention from the SBC petitioning to have me committed so that I couldn’t testify in a case against them” – which she has shown no proof occurred- says that she was instructed she must give her mental health records (which may or may not contain a history of alleged suicide attempts) to the SBC’s lawyers or face involuntary confinement for half a year. 

An ally of Osborne’s likewise chimed in and shared this:

This prompted Osborne to respond:

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3 thoughts on “Prominent Alleged Abuse Survivor Claims SBC. Prez Bart Barber Is Trying to Commit Her to Psych Ward for Six Months

  1. So much of the SBC response to sex abuse originated at the Nashville convention with Hannah Kate standing up beside men like Todd Benkert and Grant Gaines and being used as an example. The misguided waiving of attorney client privilege that followed gutted that version of the Executive Committee. It must be noted that today’s Executive Committee is a totally different group.

    They invited this chaos upon themselves with an expensive report offering no new information except a hotel room allegation regarding Johnny Hunt—which itself resulted in another lawsuit.
    This new Executive Committee went halfway to bankruptcy in one year, from twelve million in reserves to six million. They have had numerous leadership issues as they come to terms with their fiduciary responsibility running up against their social justice agenda.

    Now, the survivors still feel betrayed by the Executive Committee, but we really need to emphasize that this is the so-called “New and Improved” Executive Committee that was supposed to be on their side. Once you actually become responsible for the SBC, you begin to see things differently.

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