Pastor Amanda Says She Refuses to Pray for People Sometimes For THIS Arrogant Reason

Amanda Conner is the Executive ‘Pastor’ of The Gate Church in Oklahoma City, OK. A traveling evangelist who regularly speaks at other churches, her bio explains:
I am a leader to leaders, an encourager to the underdog, a coach to the growing, and a developer of the future. I am privileged to have many doors open to me in many areas of influence. From international travel, local church development, speaking at conferences, coaching and mentoring leaders, empowering men and women, helping establish Kingdom businesses, or strategizing with local churches, God continues to use me in unique and pivotal ways.
…I am a builder by nature, prophetically insightful, and undeniably Spirit-led. I believe for the impossible and desire to usher in the supernatural and it is through this governmental authority in the Kingdom I believe I have been assigned. I rarely take ‘no’ as my final answer and have learned how to war for my generation.
She recently visited Real Life Church West Chcago where she said one of the most arrogant things about prayer we’ve ever heard.
You know what I love about the Lord? He only does it and the timing of his grace. He never introduces you to more breakthrough until he knows you got the capacity and maturity to deal with it. That’s why sometimes I’ve prayed for people and I have literally come to people and looked at them…I have come to people I have said, ‘I cannot pray for you.’
Now, this is so hard, just so you know, because there is nothing about that that feels like a-particularly a speaker who is visiting, that a pastor will be pleased with this statement. But I have said that because if I pray for you, you don’t have the maturity in your life to live in the breakthrough that God will give you through the anointing that’s on my life.
Say what?
And if I pray for you, and see that there’s a deliverance in your life, and you don’t fill it correctly, then I have actually opened you to worse. So I have looked at people before and said, ‘I love you, I will speak to you, I will hold on to you. I will love you in this season. But I refuse to bless a blessing on you because you can’t handle what it means to be blessed yet.’
All I want is the truth! You can’t handle the truth! I think she got her lines from a movie.
“…I am a builder by nature, prophetically insightful, and undeniably Spirit-led. ”
Actually, you are a destroyer by nature, not a prophet, lacking insight and not Spirit led.
There you go – fix your CV for you, at no charge!
To the outside she’s a charismatic, great leader and speaker, but all she does is just screams through her talks with that emotional side glance like “you don’t get what I am talking about look as you aren’t at my level”.
Uncover the truth about her and she comes for you, destroys everything around you, this is my lived experience of her and her husband. If I hear her boast once more on how she was pregnant before marriage I will scream.
This sums her up… “Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) is marked by an inflated sense of self-importance, a constant need for external validation, and a lack of empathy.”
She not in our great land, but somewhere in the UK.
This is 100% true, having experienced it personally . Every word I could have written. I wonder if the Brits will recognise these things but be too polite to challange, or of it will be just seen as cultural difference . I am shocked at how some are mesmerised.
Wow. Talk about being prideful.
Like others that have commented. I too come from first hand experience. This rhetoric is common place and gets much worse. It can lead to dodgy theological stances. Some elements lean towards coaching rather than preaching as some biblical stances are on thin ground and some elements of preaches wouldn’t be out of place at a CBT convention. Many proud, privileged viewpoints and indications of Narcissistic behaviour patterns. If you challange or question you will be gone ! Personally I was continually perplexed at how some people who were very educated seemed to be in awe. I think it is the charisma that comes across. However ,when you sit for years being yelled at like you are a kindergarten attendee, it gets a little too much. About 40% of her every preach consists of examples of what a ‘great leader’ she is or starts with sentences like ‘here’s what I know’ . She truly believes she hears from God and had a better, closer, more special relationship with God than any other’s around her. If you do find her as your Pastor not cross her or challange her as she will subtly behind the scenes discredit you and do things or intentially ignore until you leave. As someone said above she is now in the UK and not on our shores unless travelling and preaching . I wonder if the Brits will see through her, or be too polite to question, or just excuse her as a cultural difference. From what we knew and experienced, there was no team … even though she says there is, it’s her way or the highway. She would always preach about her humility, but she is the most prideful person we have encountered. She says she cares, but will just look through people. Any conversation in person or in group settings will be focussed on her and her alone. She is focussed on her vision and her vision alone, not the corporate or congregational vision. I pray for those that sit in her flock.
Our friends were in OKC . They left due to similar theological issues. We visited on vacation and heared her speak twice. The shouting and tone wasn’t for us. Our friends were struggling . They said that if there were ever questions or concerns your “maturity” would always be in question . They believed she was kept in check by her father, The Bishop, before he passed, but seemed to not have any accountability after in the ti.e between relocating. These words are destructive. They are not the words of God or a Pastor. So perhaps it got worse ?
Where is the accountability here . This is putting herself above God. Did Jesus say these things ? no. Who does she think she is deciding who is worthy of prayer, blessing etc. God will do what God does She doesn’t get to decide. This is NOT humility, this is dangerous .
The one and only anointed Pastor Amanda Connor, Mosaic Church, Coventry, England,
Those poor people could ask her if she would pray for them and she could, as she states actually say no, what sort of so called pastor is she?
She actually believes she is on another level “if I pray for you, you don’t have the maturity in your life to live in the breakthrough that God will give you through the anointing that’s on my life.”
Do you think the beggar, the thief, the criminal has maturity in life, in some cases people are in a difficult situation due to being immature in their decisions, so hey lets just leave them there.
Does it say to wait, look and see if God speaks to us about praying for our enemies, or just pray for them.
This woman stands on platforms for all to see and they worship her, in private she is different.
I can not understand how people can not see through her, being charismatic in performance does not mean you are correct in things, it just means you just shout the loudest to hide the truth, but of course God speaks to only her in special ways!