‘Bubba’ Copeland’s Congregation Announces Funeral Details: ‘He Loved This Church’

Members of First Baptist Church of Phenix City gathered on Sunday to announce funeral details for their former Pastor ‘Bubba’ Copeland- who shot and killed himself after being discovered to have been living a secret life as a sexual pervert and creepy hypocrite– as well as sing some hymns and offer prayers. One speaker shared:
“Despite what may have been implied in the media, members of this church have been steadfast in their love and concern for our pastor. I cannot tell you that I fully understand or can explain the scope of this tragedy. There are some things though that I do know that are absolutely true.
“I know that my friend Bubba Copeland loved this church and its people. And I know that our testimony as Christians is not defined as much by how we act in the good times, it’s by how we act in the difficult times. And I know that the mission of this church to show God’s love to all people is and will continue to be our primary purpose.”
Comments on the feed were overall kind, though several insisted that he loved Jesus and would be at peace in heaven, neither prospect in which they ought to have any confidence.

The church offered a live stream service to the public for sixteen minutes before announcing they were shutting it down so that the church family and extended church family could grieve privately and express their sorrow and love.
The man was obviously mentally ill. “Double-minded” and unfit to teach.
No … he loved himself! He demonstrated it with his ungodly habit and with his ultimate fear of his shame rather than true repentance because his sins were exposed.