Prophetess Comes Up with New and Novel Bible Twist For Why Women Can Preach

United with Christ Church in Johnson City, NY, recently put on their 2023 Prophetic Conference, where they had Christy Haller speak. According to her bio, she is a pastor who “carries a strong and unique prophetic mantle. She is committed to helping the kingdom community understand how to interpret and activate the prophetic in their everyday lives. She carries a distinct and powerful dream interpretation gift, along with prophetic healing.”
As part of her message, she seeks to explain why women can preach and teach, contrary to Paul’s admonishing in 1 Timothy 2:12 “I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet” by offering up a new and novel explanation that we’ve never heard any person use before.
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She also explains how she reads the bible, and it makes the first video make a lot more sense.
I, too, get my best theology from Instagram 👍🏼😳
I’ve heard of exegesis, eisegesis and narcigesis but she has developed a whole new type of biblical interpretation based upon the supposed meaning of words.
Maybe googlegesis ?