Thought Crimes! Woman Fined For Silently Praying Outside Abortion Clinic +Video

(ADF UK) Footage obtained by ADF UK shows an officer employed by West Midlands Police issuing a fine to a Christian standing still and praying silently within an abortion facility “buffer zone” in Birmingham on 18th October.
The praying individual in the footage was Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, the volunteer who has already been vindicated twice for having committed no crime by silently praying inside a “buffer zone”.
Vaughan-Spruce clarified that she was not present in the zone as an act of protest. There is no prohibition on being merely present in the zone. Yet, the Police Community Support Officer asks if she is silently praying for “unborn children” and if she is a member of a pro-life or pro-choice organization…. to continue reading click here.
This article was originally published at the Alliance Defend Fund UK
If you have to read from a script you’re not competent to do your job; this pathetic.
Women officers are the manifestation of God’s judgement on a nation.
Source: Isaiah 3:12
That’s not what that says.