‘Experiencing God’ Author Henry Blackaby, 88, Is Gravely Ill

Richard Blackaby, the son of prominent pastor and writer Henry Blackaby, is requesting prayers for his father, who “took a turn for the worse last night” as he battles organ failure and heart issues.

Henry Blackaby, 88, is the best-selling author of ‘Experiencing God: Knowing And Doing The Will Of God’ the classic continuationist tome released over three decades ago that has sold over seven million copies. The book seeks to help people uncover God’s will for their lives and all the way he speaks and guides believers, yet it is one of the worst and most damaging books on Christian living ever produced, giving a whole generation of believers a misguided and unbiblical understanding of God’s character and the normative Christian experience. (Check out here for a spicy review of their presuppositions.)
Blackaby has been in and out of the hospital for the last week, with his son previously sharing.

We pray for his recovery.
h/t Church Leaders
Imagine how much better off the Church would be without the faux foundation laid by Blackaby.
There (perhaps) would be no ‘Hearing God’s Voice’ industry and many more people would read and believe their Bible
Your hatred of grammar, punctuation, diet, and exercise knows no bounds.
I think that industry has existed at least as long as the Gnostics.
Hopefully Mr. Blackaby is saved. However, if his book is anything to go off of, when the events of 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 come around, his most notable achievement will fare about as well as the straw.