Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Andy Stanley’s ‘God-Forsaken Conference,’ LGBTQ Teaching

Prominent speaker and theologian Rosaria Butterfield went on a polemical rampage against Andy Stanley’s infamously gay-affirming ‘Unconditional Conference’, joining Josh Daws on the The Great Awokening podcast to make her distaste known.
Rosaria Butterfield is the author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and The Gospel Comes With a House Key. She’s one of the main go-to people for Christian leaders to point to as an example of the power of the gospel on account of being a lesbian Women’s Studies professor who was saved and having her sexuality redeemed. She ultimately married a man, had a family and turned aside from her wayward ways- being a shining success story in an ocean littered with failures.
In what is a must-watch episode posted in full below, where she also gives the advice that Stanley should have given parents at the Unconditional Conference, she cuts deep:
I mean I just couldn’t stomach it. There’s just not enough Tums in the closet for me to listen to too much Andy Stanley. But various friends sent me things, and were like ” you have to listen to this”..and it was all, you know, you just kind of wonder if any of these people ever took a logic class. All based on manipulative emotional analogies..
The Trans child is our modern, evil age totem. You know like the boar’s head you see on a stick and everybody marches behind it, and that’s what Andy Stanley and his church and all those people look like to me. You’re all marching behind this totem of the trans child and you are doing damage.
“Somebody sent me, you know, what somebody from Christianity Today wrote about (How Andy Stanley affirms biblical marriage, despite his conference) and I thought, you know, goodness gracious these people can’t orchestrate a trip to the toilet in an emergency, least of all work out their hermeneutics. This is absurd”
If you think in the tsunami of a culture that sacrifices children to the LGBTQ movement and calls it ‘grace’ calls it grace, calls it ‘Christian grace,’ if you think that the best you can do, or like that is conservative to say ‘well you know the Bible says this, and I punt there, I believe that…’ But, you’ll notice what else he said. He said ‘but some people just can’t live up to that’
Well, but what about when the Bible says that keeping God’s commandments are not burdensome? See that’s a violation of scripture. And therefore because some people can’t abide by that, “they just can’t, they know they’re sinning but we’re going to let them be “gay married” and be part of our leadership, be part of our- because we draw big circles, not lines”
I mean what are you Andy Stanley, Harold and the Purple Crayon? Do you remember that children’s book? Harold drew big circles too. Why don’t you use a hermeneutic that that Christians are taught and that’s allow scripture to speak to scripture. Use scripture to explain scripture.If the commands of God are not burdensome, then we all need to learn, and it’s a hard thing. It’s very hard. You are not going to hear from me that this is easy. You need to learn to hate your sin without hating yourself. And you need to learn that, preferably, quietly in the privacy of a church that isn’t thousands of people big. You need to be shepherded by a shepherd who is actually doing battle against the forces of darkness, not inviting the forces of darkness into your church for tea.”
Truth – it is a wonderful thing : )
Butterfield’s new book, “Five Lies…” is amazing! She lays the smackdown and actually repents of her capitulation to previous issues of the last few years. Highly recommend it.