Presbyterian Pastrix Defends Abortion Using this ASTONISHING Bible Twist

Rebecca Todd Peters is a professor, author, and Presbyterian Church (USA) ‘Pastor.’ She has been “active denominationally and ecumenically for over twenty-five years.” She represents the PCUSA as a member of the Faith and Order Standing Commission of the World Council of Churches.
A lover of all things baby-killing, she also serves on the Clergy Advocacy Board of Planned Parenthood and was recently elected Vice President of the Society of Christian Ethics. We last wrote about her in our post PCUSA Pastor Sermon Slams Pro-Lifers+ Rejoices in Her Two Abortions: ‘I felt no guilt, no shame, no sin’
It’s unsurprising then that she’s celebrated and tolerated within her denomination. The PCUSA has denigrated to one massive pen for goats, run by spiritual criminals and hirelings, with barely a sheep to be found anywhere. From Church Fasting from ‘Whiteness’ During Lent to Church Releases ‘Transgendered’ Remix of ‘Be Thou My Vision,’ to Pro-Abortion Pastrix Says Stories of Jonah and Zacchaeus are Proof We Should Subsidize Birth-Control, this pro-LGBTQIA&$#@!, pro-abortion cauldron of wokeness and deviant perversion runs neck in neck with the ELCA in a contest to see which denomination hates Jesus more, and they usually come on top.
She was recently invited to First Presbyterian Church of Mankato, a ‘church’ populated exclusively by demoniacs, to give a sermon on the virtues of abortion and its biblical justification, and she did not disappoint.
Spinning a progressive yarn, she claims that God lied to Eve in the garden and that it was a GOOD thing for her to eat the fruit, bringing knowledge and clarity to the world. And because we can trust her to eat the fruit, we can trust her to have moral agency over her own body and her decision to murder her baby through abortion.
I’m assuming it was physically impossible to get Satan himself to speak…
He had a previous engagement at another PCUSA church
Oh…that was him…sans pitchfork and red cape