‘The Chosen’ Director Insists Mormon Friend is a Christians ‘He loves Jesus… I’d go to war with and for him any day’

‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins doesn’t understand the gospel or Christianity, and this is no more apparent than his continued efforts to insist Mormons are Christians who love Jesus.
We’ve written about Jenkins in the past, with our post ‘Dallas Jenkins Says Mormons are Saved: ‘I’m Going to Die on That Hill,’ the time Dallas Jenkins Doubles Down on Controversial Mormon Comments, Straight up Lies the Dallas Jenkins Affirms Mormons are Christians in ‘Definitive, Final’ Video‘ and ‘The Chosen’ Director Says Jesus Transfiguration Not Important: ‘What Purpose Would it Serve our Story?‘
Case in point, in a recent Facebook post, he praised Derral Eves, one of the executive producers of the hit show The Chosen, who also happens to be a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
For a brief overview of the Mormon views on Jesus and other things, they believe that Jesus was once a regular sinful man who became exalted and turned into a God after doing many good deeds. ‘God the Father’ himself was also once a man on another planet, but because he likewise was such a good Mormon, he was granted the right to become a God over this earth. They believe that they too can become capital ‘G’ Gods of their own planet one day, and in fact, hold that there are millions of Gods. For them, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are all and individual separate Gods, and they all have human bodies of flesh- they are not Spirits.
Mormons categorically deny the idea of salvation by grace alone and believe Jesus and Lucifer are ‘spirit brothers.’ They believe the scriptures we have are all corrupted and that’s why they have the new revelation of Joseph Smith.
Of this man, who may be a nice guy but in terms of his faith is functionally no different than a satanist, Dallas says “He loves Jesus and has dedicated his life and career to Him, and I’d go to war with and for him any day.”

This is likely the same man whose faith he previously defended:
I’m referring to some of the friends that I have who identify as LDS who I’ve gotten to know very deeply over the last few years, in particular, and have had hundreds of hours of conversations with. And I stand by the statement that those friends of mine that I’m referring to absolutely love the same Jesus that I do.”
Mormons aren’t Christians any more than Muslims are. And in fact, Islam is closer to Christianity than Mormonism because at least Islam is monotheistic and doesn’t believe in millions and billions of God.
The fact that Jenkins insists these cultists are heaven-bound should make us deeply concerned for his soul.
Interesting how so many of these children of popular Christians in the 1980’s and 1990’s have fallen into apostasy: Dallas Jenkins, Andy Stanley, Jonathan Merritt, etc.
I attended a Pentecostal Church after I was first saved. My pastor saw moonlighting as a Sunday school teacher at the local Catholic Church so I said what’s up with that!?
He said ‘they love Jesus, they’re our brothers and sisters in Christ!’
I knew then it was time to start looking for another church.
Different Jesus. Different Gospel
Not Christian