Arch-Heretic Jesse Duplantis Brags ‘I Live in the Biggest House in the State of Louisiana… It’s 40,000sqf’

Arch-heretic Jesse Duplantis is known for his love of filthy lucre and declaring that the Lord’ flexes on him by ‘giving’ him a private jet. Perhaps the best living example of a two-fold son of hell that will spend eternity screaming in horror in the lake of fire if he doesn’t repent, we wrote about him recently after he argued that if you don’t believe in the prosperity gospel as he does, one that has made him a multi-millionaire by savagely beating and twisting the scriptures for his gain for decades, then Jesus will tell you to “go to hell,” as you seemingly can’t handle all the riches that will be inlaid in heaven. Notably, he’s claimed that God has given him half a billion dollars over the last few years to “reach souls” but that it’s not enough.
He’s claimed to be the fulfillment of messianic prophesies eternally associated with Christ, engaged in gross manipulation when he told folks to give me money so Jesus doesn’t have to cry anymore, and said: “When you see me, you see the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. You see God Incarnate.”
Speaking at the 2012 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Duplantis can be seen making the following boast about his plantation-style mansion, which has 25 rooms, 7 1/2 bathrooms, and is considered the single largest church rectory in the world. Since the ministry owns the home and it’s classified as a ‘parsonage,’ it is tax-exempt from the $33,000 a year in taxes that others in his position would pay.

I live in the biggest house in the state of Louisiana. I have the biggest house of any preacher in America.
Now I don’t mean that arrogantly or pridefully. I have a name for my house: la maison des rêves- the house of dreams.You’re like Gone with the Wind? My house has that same staircase that Scarlett O’Hara walked up. Oh, I paid cash for the home. You want to know how big it is? It’s 40,000 square foot. Oh yeah, my (unintelligible) if you look at Cathy: Oh Jesus, we’re gonna catch it again.
It’s 40,000 square foot…and a lot of times if I go out cars start stopping, honking. Christmas I walked outside the front, just walked out and a man slammed his brakes said “Brother Jesse!” I said ‘hello’ and he threw $5,000 over the fence. In $100 bills. I said I ain’t telling Cathy nothing,”
I do not envy him, a man his age only has so many years left to enjoy that before his inevitable destruction.
I read something somewhere once about pride, arrogance, and the love of money…
I’m guessing brother Jesse doesn’t read much.
Jesse is of the mindset ‘let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die’.
He opted for the bowl of lintels and he will have an eternity to contemplate that stupid decision.