Pastor Who Said Southern Baptists ‘Bent Over’ and Became ‘Political Whores’ By Voting For Trump Elected to ERLC Chair

In a move that should surprise no one, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission board of trustees unanimously elected Pastor Kevin Smith as their Chairperson- a bold move given the disdain and contempt Smith has for so many Southern Baptists within his denomination. According to a press release from the ERLC “this is the first time a Black man has held the position in the history of the entity.”
You’ll recall during 9Mark’s 2022 ‘The State of the SBC‘ assessment on the first day of the SBC General Convention, Kevin Smith, former Executive director of the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware and current teaching pastor at Family Church in Palm Beach spoke to Southern Baptists and accused some of them of “losing their minds” after a black man was elected president in 2012, on account of their racism, and further accused many Southern Baptists of bending over and presenting their proverbial behinds to “whore” themselves out over supporting and voting for Trump.
Smith, responding to a question about how he feels about the state of the SBC from 10 years ago to now:
I’d love to know what some white brothers think about this. White (unintelligible). You mentioned ten years as a window and I’m less hopeful ten years later. I think some Southern Baptists lost their minds when a black man was elected president. Not all, but some.
I think some Southern Baptists were unloving to black people beginning in 2012 with the killing of Trayvon Martin. I don’t mean agree about politics or policy…I just mean giving a darn that somebody else is hurting who is supposed to be your brother or sister in Christ.
And I think some Southern Baptists just bent over and became political whores with this whole Trump stuff. And if black innerrantists like Ralph West (Pastor of Houston’s The Church Without Walls who announced he left the SBC) feels alienated and black innerrantists like John Onwuchekwa (Pastor of Cornerstone Church in Atlanta who left the SBC) feels alienated and black innerrantists like Charlie Dates (Left the SBC) feels alienated, I just wonder if white brothers think this has been kind of crazy- black/white stuff going on, Asian, Hispanic. Just people who aren’t white feeling like they’re tolerated but not really embraced.
I’m not talking about me. I’ve been here thirty years so I got true friendships, but people in their twenties haven’t been here thirty years. So I just wanted to (unintelligible) what white brothers think the race thing is in the SBC?”
At the time, not one panelist (Mark Dever, Danny Akin, Aron Menikoff, Jonathan Leeman, Matt Chandler) rebuked him for his insults and incendiary statements. No one corrected him for suggesting that the “some” weren’t regulated to a handful of isolated yokel hillfolk, but rather make up a large and significant minority. He had no proof that the SBC is filled with this rampant, overt racism that rears its ugly head because of a black man getting in power, and not because Obama is a Democrat with awful policies. In a mark of true leadership, all stayed quiet and let that linger for the rest of the panel.
As far as becoming political whores and bending over so the bad orange man could impregnate us with racial ideologies, this is not the winsomeness that he was insisting we emulate during his later conference talk that he gave in front of the whole convention, making him quite the hypocrite.
But this is all par for the ERLC, so congrats, we guess?
He wasn’t wrong. Trump is as close to the description of Mark 8:36 as they come. And the decline of the country, party, a d church since is a testament to the other end of the Faustian bargain.
Right, the election of a president who tirelessly fought for freedom of religion definitely caused “the decline of the country, party, a(n)d church.”
As for Mark 8:36, please refer me to Trump’s statement denying Christ and His Gospel. I’ll wait.
What about when Trump said, regarding the evangelical leaders that prayed for him: “Can you believe that bull****? Can you believe people believe that bull****?” Not that the source is any great person himself, but has Trump denied the claim?
As especially contrasted to the renaissance we have experienced under our current lord and savior Joe Biden 😂
Godliness is not understood in contrast to any other person but Christ.
Racism has absolutely nothing to do with any textbook or dictionary definition of the word.
Racism is a way for anti-White subverters and their lackeys to justify attacking Whites for simply existing.
If your first response to this sounds something like: “iMaGiNe iF a WhItE pErSoN sAiD tHaT”, or “hE’s tEh rEaL RaCiSt” then you still don’t understand that the Satanic anti-White forces in the world today don’t care if you are “colorblind” because they’re not and they won’t be happy until you’re broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it’s funny.