Paula White Praises Deranged Moonies Cult Leader: ‘She Loves the Lord’

White-Caine is the false teacher scandal-riddled head pastrix of City of Dreams church. She’s been rubbing shoulders with NAR ne’er do wells for decades now, absorbing and parroting back tall tales, vision from God, prophetic utterance, and every wacky theology to come down the pike and from the mumbled mind of charismatic misfits.

We last wrote about her after she repeatedly partnered with the demonic Moonies cult, was accused of serial adultery by one of her former husbands, being accused of iinappropriately accepting money from the legendary band ‘Journey’ and insisting that Christians must not convert Jews.

During a recent Universal Peace Federation’s Peace Summit, White repeatedly praises ‘Mother Moon,’ otherwise known as Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, the widow of the Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, co-founder of the Universal Peace Federation and the World Unification Church. She is a billionaire and regarded by many as the “Messiah” and the “True Parent to all mankind,” whose goal is to unite all faiths in world peace and harmony.

I want to take just a moment before I share my heart with you and really honor Mother Moon,  especially as her 80th birthday is here,  and we get to celebrate it being with her this time and congratulate her on launching the …the Holy Temple…which welcomes all faiths, all nations and peoples in the presence of God to unite for family and for peace.  

She is such a unique individual that carries such a tremendous calling of God in this earth.  I was blessed to tour the great sanctuary in December of 2021 and saw that Mother Moon is answering God’s call for her life to build a world of peace.

I want to honor and encourage you,  Mother Moon.  I say this over and over.  She is a woman of great courage for her work as a spiritual leader who loves the Lord and seeks to bring comfort to God’s heart in all conflict areas of the world.  Mother Moon,  your faith and your courage is very moving and inspiring to so many of us.  We know that faith,  or that peace,  can only fully be achieved by faith.

 All of us here have worked in some realm of the political,  and I’ll talk about that in just a moment.  You and your late husband,  Reverend Moon,  have led a life of unwavering faith and never vacillated in your commitment to achieving peace through Jesus’ fundamental teachings to love your enemies.  This is, in my opinion,  the greatest secret to achieving reconciliation and forgiveness.

The term “Moonies” is a colloquial term used to refer to members of the Unification Church. Some of their beliefs include:

  1. Unique Messianic Belief: The Unification Church believes that Reverend Sun Myung Moon, who has since passed away, was the Messiah sent by God to complete the mission that Jesus Christ could not fulfill during his earthly ministry. Moon is seen as the “True Parent” who has come to restore humanity to its original sinless state and to bring about the ideal world.
  2. Reinterpretation of the Bible: Moonies reinterpret the Bible in a way that aligns with their beliefs. They view Jesus’ crucifixion as a failure to establish God’s Kingdom on Earth and argue that Jesus was meant to marry and have a family but was unable to do so. Moon, on the other hand, is believed to have fulfilled this mission through his marriage to Hak Ja Han Moon, whom they consider the “True Mother.”
  3. Ecumenical Approach: While Moonies have their own distinct religious beliefs, they also emphasize an ecumenical approach to religion. They seek to unite people from various religious backgrounds under the banner of their movement and promote religious harmony. They believe that all religions will ultimately be absorbed into their movement as part of God’s plan.
  4. Savior and Restoration: They believe that Moon’s teachings and the Blessing ceremonies performed by him and his wife can cleanse individuals and bring them closer to God

Discernment site CARM explains further:

The Rev. Sun Myung Moon (now deceased) claims to be the messiah of the Second Coming and his wife (Mother Moon) is the Holy Spirit. He and his wife, called The True Parents where he is the True Father and his wife the True Mother, are the first couple to be able to bring forth children with no original sin. “The cross is the symbol of the defeat of Christianity.”

The Bible is considered scripture along with Moon’s work “Divine Principles.” Sin is genetically based. It is not a moral issue. The thieves on the cross represent political movements. The thief on the right side of Jesus represents democracy. The thief on the left of Jesus is communism. Adam and Eve fell because of sexual sin. Eve had sexual relations with Satan. Jesus is a ‘true person’ though not God in flesh. The Holy Spirit is ‘the True Mother,’ or ‘the Second Eve.” The church denies the doctrine of the Trinity.

Nature is dualistic: male and female, positive and negative, external and internal. God has an external and internal aspect called the Universal Prime Energy.  It creates, develops, and sustains the cosmos. God’s internal aspect of has to do with personhood – motivation, purpose, and identity.

Paula White has been praising her and speaking at her events for years now, demonstrating she is as lost as she is.

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4 thoughts on “Paula White Praises Deranged Moonies Cult Leader: ‘She Loves the Lord’

  1. Korea, while having a lot of Christians, is full of pseudo- Christian cults like this. Old men and women leading their fanatic followers and declaring themselves gods.

    White and moon are on their way to hell if they don’t repent.

  2. Frankly, I’m at a loss for words. Just when you thought White-whatever couldn’t get creepier, she always does.
    The poster girl for everything rancid in the contemporary American church.

  3. Matt 23:9 comes to mind : Matthew 23:9 (ESV): And call no man your father on earth, for you have one Father, who is in heaven

    Is she still waiting for those tardy Angels from Africa ? Did they lose their way ?

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