Groomer Pastrix Jacqui Lewis: Children ‘have a right to privacy about their sexuality and gender identity’

Queer universalist Pastrix Jacqui Lewis of New York City’s Middle Church is so far to the left that if the theological spectrum of orthodox Christianity were a baseball field, she would be firmly planted in the stands adjacent to left field, or perhaps tailgating in the parking lot.
Jacqui believes in a false universalist gospel, whereby those who hold her leftist views are the embodiment of the second coming of Christ. Her doctrine essentially denies the future physical return of Christ in favor of what could best be described as liberation theology and queer theology meets full preterism. Lewis affirms abortion and supports all manner of sexual deviancy within the church. In February 2020, The pastrix and her Black Lives Matter-supporting theological co-belligerents even performed a Trayvon Martin-themed communion service that included Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea in lieu of the orthodox practice of the Lord’s Supper.
Less than a year after Middle Church performed this abominable desecration of a church ordinance and supported the destructive June 2020 protests of Black Lives Matter, God saw it fit that their building would burn to the ground.

Three years later, Middle Church is still fundraising to rebuild. The congregation has dual affiliation with the apostate United Church of Christ and the rapidly leftward-trending Reformed Church in America. Both denominations tolerate apostate churches like Middle Church, favoring man-centered eisegetical messages that are sin-affirming over sound doctrine.

In a recent sermon series, queer second fiddle pastor and author of Cry Baby: Why Our Tears Matter, Benjamin Perry taught that “Forgiveness is not a moral obligation.”

When he isn’t skydiving with his grandmother, performing in the Union Theological Seminary Drag Show, or railing about “God’s blessed queerness,” Perry prides himself in tearing down the patriarchy by teaching crying as a spiritual discipline.

In keeping with Middle Church’s longstanding tradition of holding far-left positions that fly in the face of scripture, lead Pastrix Jacqui Lewis recently took to Twitter to advocate child grooming via the removal of rights from parents who would seek to protect their children from the kind of proud millstone-necklace-wearing LGBTQ child-indoctrination advocates who feel perfectly at home in the theological rot of Middle Church.

Lewis was promptly roasted and ratioed for her pro-groomer statement. Even Presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy took the opportunity to tee-off and score basic decency and common-sense points on Lewis’ absurd statement.

Doubling down on her comments, following the controversy, Lewis claimed that it was the state’s responsibility to protect groomed and brainwashed children from their own parents.

Jacqui Lewis and Middle Church are virtually indistinguishable from the secular world. They are a synagogue of Satan that pedals a poisonous doctrine of demons to be marked and avoided.
I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them. For such persons do not serve our Lord Christ, but their own appetites, and by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the hearts of the naive. Romans 16:17-18
Despite all this, who has platformed and praised her? None other than Witness BCC’s Jemar Tisby, who has encouraged all his followers to read her content and follow her and “access her wisdom”
Servants of Satan.
Oh my goodness
She is truly plumbing new depths of evil