Clown Show Continues As Egalitarian PR Czar Jonathan Howe Appointed President of SBC Executive Committee

The week of August 13th was a clown show in the Southern Baptist Convention executive committee. On August 17th, Interim executive committee President Willie McLaurin confessed to fabricating his higher education resume, resulting in his subsequent resignation. McLaurin’s lies included claims that he earned degrees from North Carolina Central University, Duke University Divinity School, and Hood Theological Seminary. Apparently, claiming religion degrees from woke mainline divinity schools and whacked-out apostate liberation theology teaching seminaries makes one a qualified candidate as a diversity hire for executive committee president, but lying about receiving degrees from apostate woke institutions is a disqualifier.

Not to be outdone by its previous incompetence of placing McLaurin in a position for which he was unqualified, the executive committee chose to immediately replace McLaurin with Baptist Press’s marketing and PR czar Jonathan Howe, a member of Woodmont Baptist Church in Nashville, Tennessee. 

Howe’s wife, Beth, holds the title of Minister of Students and Discipleship, a position that involves the leadership of not only youth, but also oversight and leadership of college ministries. In its job posting for the position, Woodmont clearly states that the role is pastoral in nature, requiring “shepherding, leadership, and teaching” spiritual gifts. The church clearly states that women at Woodmont are functionally equivalent to men at all levels of leadership.

In addition to holding overt egalitarian views, Woodmont maintains dual cooperative memberships in both the Southern Baptist Convention and the left-leaning Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, a group of liberal egalitarian churches that mostly exited the Southern Baptist Convention during the conservative resurgence. 

The first meeting of potential members of the Tennessee chapter of the CBF took place at Woodmont Baptist Church in 1992. The CBF as a cooperative has continued in its downward trajectory over the past 30 years, even going so far as to allow churches with sodomite and transgender-identifying pastors to be in fellowship with the cooperative. 

Furthermore, it was Howe that was personally responsible for derailing efforts by abortion abolitionists to introduce a resolution at the 2023 convention.

The appointment of Howe as President of the executive committee comes in the midst of an institutionalist campaign led by SBC President Bart Barber to thwart the final passage and implementation of the Mike Law amendment that would require churches in friendly cooperation with the SBC to adhere to the Biblical principal of having “only men as any kind of pastor or elder as qualified by Scripture.” Handing the reins of the executive committee over to a dedicated egalitarian is undoubtedly a win for institutionalists, as they strive to maintain a big tent at the expense of Biblical fidelity.

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1 thought on “Clown Show Continues As Egalitarian PR Czar Jonathan Howe Appointed President of SBC Executive Committee

  1. A true New Testament Church has no business being yoked together with the SBC. It’s just that simple.
    Let the SBC burn🔥🔥

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