Is ‘The John MacArthur of Australia’ Taking Over ‘Answers in Genesis’ from Ken Ham?

Two years ago, we gave visibility to Martyn Iles, who some have called the “John MacArthur of Australia.” Iles previously worked as the managing director of the Australian Christian Lobb, which utilizes grassroots activation and lobbying efforts to protect the rights and values of Christians in Australia, but then later joined Answers in Genesis (AiG) a few months ago as their Chief Ministry Office.
Founded by Ken Ham, AiG is a sizeable Christian apologetics and education ministry known for owning the Ark Encounter and Creation Museum. Ham has described Iles as “a young man whom God has led to this ministry to be an integral part of that leadership for the future” and “a unique individual” who is “an eloquent spokesperson for the issues of our day, is a great teacher and preacher with an emphasis on biblical authority and has a heart to see souls won to the Lord.”

In a recent article posted to their website, Ham responds to the question, “What is AiG doing for leadership in the future? Who are you training up to take the place of the founders?”
While he doesn’t give a specific name as to who will be his successor, he’s not particularly subtle either as he shares videos about Illes and the work he’s been doing, heaping effusive praise and offering:
“A number of years ago, our board of directors started asking, “What happens when the bus hits Ken?” In fact, that has been mentioned so many times in recent years, I’m paranoid of going anywhere near a bus! I keep well away from the shuttle buses at the Ark Encounter.
It has been on my mind for some time to do all we can to stop mission drift and ensure the ministry doesn’t compromise like so many churches and Christians have regarding the woke culture. In previous letters, I’ve explained what we have done internally with special groups of people and our young dedicated visionary leadership to protect the mission of the ministry.
…At the same time, we have always been on the lookout for young, dynamic, and visionary leaders who can take this ministry into the future as the initial generation of leaders reach those aging years. And we have a number of phenomenally talented, gifted, and highly dedicated younger generation leaders who are visionaries in their own right. The ministry is certainly in good hands for the future.
...I have been praying for a long time for someone like Martyn to ensure AiG has dynamic visionary leadership for the future—someone who is committed to biblical authority and the gospel and has an unwavering commitment to never compromise God’s Word and to continue the mission for which God raised AiG up.
h/t The Friendly Atheist
He appears to be worthy.