Charismatic Prophet Miraculously Heals…(Checks Notes) ‘Alien Iguana Lizard Boy’ + “It did not look like a human being”

Bobby Conner is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) and a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic network, chaired by NAR warlord Che Ahn. After 27 years as a Southern Baptist pastor, he founded Eagles View Ministries.
He recently said he was at ‘prophet’ Bob Jones’ house when NASA called and asked Jones to look into space for them and “tell us what you see” because they knew he could see farther into space than they could, and also claimed he once spoke a squirrel into existence.
Though he’s perhaps the most fantastical liar, his estranged relationship from the truth is a feature, not a bug, and ensures he’s still well-respected in colorful circles and hobnobs at conferences with all the charismatic bigwigs, such as Bill Johnson, Shawn Bolz, Jim Bakker, Chuck Pierce, Kevin Zadai, James Goll, Jeremiah Johnson, etc.
In a video for the ‘Supernatural Stories’ channel, Conner claims he completely healed, by his description, an ‘alien’-looking ‘iguana lizard boy’ with no forehead who was a deformed dwarf with eyes that hung out of his sockets.
My wife and I were off in a ministry at a church down in Texas, and we were doing ministry, and all of a sudden I scream out, ‘God’s power is here to heal.’ And I really meant it with all my heart. And so some people were coming forward, and then I caught a glimpse of something out of my eye, and I looked down like this. Oh my goodness. Oh, what I saw did not even look like a human being. I don’t know if I can describe it, or you can get a mental concept of it.
It looked like what people draw like an alien. Listen, it was, this didn’t even look like a human being. It’s a little boy, has no forehead, it just slits back like this. His eyes were not in sockets, they were hanging down on his face like this. And he was real short, his hands drugged the ground like this, and just pitiful. His face, facial features would look just like an alien. Big head up here, down to a little.
We continue:
And so I am stunned. And I said to the little boy there, I said, do you believe God can heal you? And oh man, I’ll never forget it. He rolled those eyes up, rolled them up like this, and looked at me and said, ‘I’m down here ain’t I?”. And the Lord said, Bobby, you’ll never get a better reply than that in your whole life. ”Im down here aint’t I?’ And I took my hand, this hand right here, and I put it on his head. His head was very deformed. Put my hand on his head, and the little kid falls out on the floor there.
Remember now, his arms dragged the ground, he’s just a little dwarf, his facial features are all distorted. Eyeballs hanging out like a iguana lizard, and there he is, and I’m watching him. And his head starts growing out like this, it starts taking shape, and it grew to such a dimension. It created eye sockets, and his eyes popped into the sockets.
…And anyway, I said to the Lord, Lord, why didn’t you continue growing out his head? He said, I’m waiting for his brain to take its shape to fit the cranium. But anyway, maybe two months after that event there, my wife and I were back in the same church. And here comes what looked like a teenager, big enough to play football. And he runs and grabs me, and he’s just swinging on me like this. And he said, ‘you remember me?’ And I looked at him, I said, ‘yes, I do.’ And he had grown to be normal, all of the deformity was gone, and he’s a perfect, absolutely perfect young man. That’s what I’m telling you, God can do anything.
Notably, Conner claims this occurred in a church in Texas, not on some mysterious non-falsifiable mission trip somewhere out “in Africa,” and therefore should be the most effortless and most spectacular miracle to verify. But Conner is a false Christ and con man, deceived by weak men and women who eat up his stories like manna from heaven despite in actuality coming from hell.

h/t Revealing Truth on YouTube
Pretty sure that little boy was Steven Furtick, praise God.