Eric Metaxas Praises ‘Genius’ Drag Queen Who Wrote ‘Vampire Lesbians of Sodom’ + I’m a Big Fan of Theirs’

Christian author and political commentator Eric Metaxas who we last featured after he sucker-punched a passing Antifa protester in the summer of 2020 and then claimed last year that Christian leaders who don’t talk about Hunter Biden’s laptop or the ‘January 6 hoax’ should be compared to cowardly German pastors who stayed silent during the holocaust during WW2, is seen in a newly unearthed video praising drag queen Charles Busch, noting he is a big fan and lamenting that Milo Yianopolous will never be aware of their “genius.”

Metaxas: “I was just asking whether Milo knew who Charles Busch was, and Lypsinka and I’m, you know, fans of theirs, and what a pity that this young generation is unaware of their genius. I’m not kidding!”

Yiannopoulos: “I know ‘Divine’, the scatological one.”

Metaxas: “‘Divine’ is distressing, don’t ever bring that up again.”

Yiannopoulos: “But you will be at least reassured that my drag icon is Dame Edna”

Metaxas: “Alright, that’s not bad.”

According to a profile in Metrosource, Busch is a “playwright, actor, director, novelist, cabaret performer, and drag icon” who made an “indelible splash onto the scene in New York in the mid-’80s with his play Vampire Lesbians of Sodom, an unlikely hit that became one of the longest-running plays in the history of Off-Broadway.” This success “ignited the audience’s love affair with Busch, making his drag famous (or infamous) on a mainstream level with no one doubting the man in a wig as a bonafide starlet.”

Metaxas recently joined the advisory board of Christian video streaming platform Loor.

h/t Doctrinal Watchdog (Active)

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10 thoughts on “Eric Metaxas Praises ‘Genius’ Drag Queen Who Wrote ‘Vampire Lesbians of Sodom’ + I’m a Big Fan of Theirs’

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  1. The irony is men (simps) like this bend over backwards to kiss the world squarely on its backside, but the world has no respect for them! He’s like that kid in school that always sucked up to the bullies and they wacked him upside the head anyway.

  2. Eric Metaxas wrote a book portraying German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer as a hero for his indirect minor role in the plot to assassinate Hitler for which he was hanged. But did Metaxas get it wrong about Bonhoeffer and Hitler?
    Today the US is fighting against Communism, Banksterism and being dragged into a war for which it has no interests. That is precisely the same enemies Germany and Hitler was fighting prior to WWII. I don’t know, but were we on the wrong side of that war?
    Moreover, Bonhoeffer was originally arrested for taking advantage of Jews, not for participating in his brother’s plot to assassinate Hitler. Bonhoeffer was a paid spy by the British to do radio broadcasts against Hitler but the Germans shut his radio broadcast down.
    Bonhoeffer was a draft dodger who fled to New York rather than help Germany fight Communism (prior to the breakout of the war with Britain, Poland, etc.). Bonhoeffer’s partner in crime Pastor Niemoller was a Communist sympathizer who supported Ho Chi Minh. Metaxas never mentions any of this in his book on Bonhoeffer.

      1. That sums up what mankind has the gall to call history.

        “Luckily, the good guys won every time.” The End.

    1. Well sstated. Everything we have been taught about history is a lie. Yes, we fought on the wrong side of the war and most of what we’ve been taught about it has been fabricated by those in charge of publishing, media, government and Hollywood. Look at our country now. We are paying the price . No, we have not been the good guys for a long time. It took me half a lifetime to figure this out. The only truth there is, is God’s Word. IMO

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