‘Pastor’Jamal Bryant Says Jesus Was ‘Out of Order’ and ‘Wrong’ for 85% of His Life

Jamal Bryant is a political idealogue who cosplays as a Senior pastor every Sunday morning at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church, which is quite an ironic name for a church that is pro-abortion and preaches the twisted false gospel of Liberation theology.

A left-wing goat of a pastor and serial adulterer, Bryant is known for his leftist political antics. When Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme court, Bryant decried the decision to allow states to restrict abortion as “racist” in a baby dedication Sunday sermon, claiming that the elimination of abortion would somehow increase the black infant mortality rate by 30%. Late last year, he said he wants to grow cannabis on his church property so that black males can farm it, using it as an evangelistic tool and as a way to teach them a skill.

At an installation service for Bishop Marvin Sapp as Senior Pastor of The Chosen Vessel Cathedral, Bryant says that Jesus was ‘wrong’ and out of order for the vast majaority of his life.

Jesus accepted his call to ministry at 30. He had been in carpentry since he was 13. He ran the family business since he was 17. At the risk of being heretical tonight, might I suggest to you that 85 percent of Jesus’s life he was out of order. 85 percent of his life he was doing what he was not called to do. God y’all done got quiet.

For 85 percent of his life he was not flowing in his God-given function. 85 percent of his life he is doing what his natural father wanted, but it did not line up with his divine DNA.

85 percent of his life and he’s anointed, he’s called, he’s chosen and he’s wrong.

h/t Learn to Discern

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52 thoughts on “‘Pastor’Jamal Bryant Says Jesus Was ‘Out of Order’ and ‘Wrong’ for 85% of His Life

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  2. The falling, apostate “church” has reached the point where it is nothing less than a cult, complete with leaders blatantly saying “God is wrong, and I am right” as the brainwashed crowd nods in agreement and shouts “amen”

    1. Are you public-facing at your job? The new clubhouse leader is that you work for some kind of school, but I think that’s a bit of a reach.

      If you studied science, it would have to be something like engineering and clearly none of the life sciences.

      1. You all need to get a life.

        As I said, I do not respond to you for your benefit, but for the benefit of those who read, particularly the millions and millions of young Christians who are not sexually immoral, and who endure extreme pressure and ridicule from a society full of wicked-minded people such as you.

        When I respond, it is out of concern for them.

        And when I don’t, it is out of concern for them.

        You don’t even factor.

        If you’re as smart as you think you are, you should know that means that I will never answer your question beyond the answer from yesterday, so you might as well quit asking.

      2. There are probably hundreds of millions of us worldwide. Over the centuries there have probably been billions.

        You might as well be beating your head against a brick wall.

        “He who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are both alike an abomination to the Lord.” (Prov. 17:15)

      3. Including marriage, as outlined by Jesus in Matt. 19, over the past 2000+ years there have probably been tens of billions of people who were not sexually immoral.

        Including those who repented, gave their life to the Lord, were washed clean, and turned away from sin, there are many, many more.

        Now you and your buddies can put together your brain cell and debate what you think the tens of billions of us do/did for a living. Should keep you entertained you for a while.

        1. Our premise is that you’re just a phony. You’ve reduced the teachings of Jesus to the superficial.

          I wasn’t the one who started messing with you under this name, but I won’t be the last.

          As Jesus made light of the Pharisees, we’ll make light of you.

          1. Yet you ignore the teachings of Jesus, and despise and pervert His grace by committing many sins here, particularly as it relates to sexual immorality, lying, bearing false witness, pride, causing little ones to sin, and many more. (several sins that Jesus listed in Mark 7:21-22, which He said come from a wicked heart)

            You are worse than the Pharisees. They were hypocrites, and they “taught as doctrine the commandments of men” (Mark 7:7), but even they didn’t go around ridiculing and judging people for not being immoral. Even they did not justify wickedness and condemn righteousness. You are far worse than they pharisees ever were.

            No born again Christian, who knows Jesus, would ridicule someone for not sinning.

            And no one who knows scripture, and knows the real Jesus, would say that Jesus “made light of” the Pharisees. He did not. He did not ridicule them, make fun of them, joke about them, or anything of the sort. He soberly rebuked them for the seriousness and significance of their sin.

            I’ve said many times, if you want to correct me you are welcome to do so using scripture. If you think I’ve taken away from or diminished His teachings, then you are welcome to point out how and why I apparently did so.

            … and you should be able to do so without yourself diminishing the teachings of Jesus, or perverting His grace into a license for immorality, making excuses for your sins.

            Now, do you have any specific examples where I supposedly diminished His teachings?

            If you fail to tell me, and properly correct me using scripture, you are violating His teachings yourself. So let’s hear it.

          2. The real Jesus called out the sins of the pharisees and corrected them where they were wrong. He did not ridicule or make light of the pharisees for not sinning.🙄

            So far you’ve done nothing but ridicule me for not sinning. If you think I’m a phony, and think you’re going to expose me as one, you’re going to have to do a lot better than that.

            If you want to deal with me the way Jesus did the Pharisees, then let’s hear it. Let’s hear the rebuke and correction. Point out what I have done or said that is wrong, and correct it. That’s what Jesus did.

          3. Your “premise” not only shows that you neither know Jesus nor His teachings, it violates His teachings itself.

            He instructed us to judge/know by the fruit. I.e.,, what people say and do. Because we, not being God, do not have the ability to know someone’s heart. (which these days has been perverted into a condemnation of judging by the fruit – as if any and all wickedness is fine as long as someone has a “good heart” – which is nothing but an excuse)

            His teachings, and all of scripture, speak against labeling someone a phony based on nothing but paranoid suspicion. Paul said, in so many words, (and with counsel and approval of all Apostles) that if someone is teaching the true Gospel, he would not presume they were a false teacher based on suspicion.

            Scripture, including the red text, instructs us to specifically point out and rebuke what is wrong, false, or phony. Trying to target and destroy someone else based on nothing but suspicion is itself to diminish and violate His teachings.

            It’s clear that you do not like hearing things that I’ve said. But you’re going to have to specifically point out what you think is wrong, using scripture. Otherwise, your assertion that this will never end is correct – you will continue to post wicked, juvenile stupidity in vain.

          4. And of course, as I said to you on the previous thread, your premise is itself superficial. Your “reasoning” is that race to the bottom. Underlying your “premise” is, as the world (“society”) has taught you, the idea that the more wicked someone is, the less phony they are – that wickedness is good and healthy, and righteousness is bad and unhealthy. That’s your brainwashing talking. That’s the world’s standards. It is irrational. And it is contrary to everything that Jesus taught.

            Unsubstantiated suspicion is always superficial.

            Now exactly who is the phony? Exactly which of us is diminishing Jesus’ teaching, in word and deed? Who is being superficial?

            I’m constantly amazed at the irony of your posts. You are the most superficial poster here. Everything you say and do here, including your irrational “premise”, is superficial – so superficial it is more akin to something one would expect from a grade schooler on the playground.

            But of course, that childishness is all you have the guts to post, because you know I’ll rip your arguments to shreds.

          5. I’m reminded of something my old football coach, and FCA adviser, once told me. And it is related to what Paul said of those who teach the true Gospel, and leaving them be.

            Let me ask you a question here. You and your buddies can give this some thought. Even if I were a phony, as you suspect …

            Which is worse?

            Genuine wickedness, or phony righteousness?

            Consider that question according to God’s standards of wickedness and righteousness – i.e., devoid of pharisee-like false righteousness based on the commandments of men, and mess that God never commanded.

            And here’s your followup. Do you think it’s possible for righteousness, according to God’s standards, to ever be phony? Is it ever “phony” to follow the standards of almighty God, even if we may not want to do so?

            You and your buddies think about that …

          6. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.” – Jesus

            “If you love me, you will keep my commandments.” – Jesus

            “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’” – Jesus

            There are many more relevant scriptures …

            You might call righteousness “superficial”, but Jesus said it is of such significance that it will result in your eternal damnation.

            So does genuine wickedness cut the mustard?

            See the Bible teaches that you are the phony. You are the false teacher who perverts the grace of God into a license for immorality (Jude 4). You not only engage in all manner of immorality here and probably elsewhere, you try to pressure others into immorality.

            As I said to you even prior to the previous thread, many months ago, what you’re doing boils down to one thing, at the root of it …

            … making excuses.

          7. You have diminished the teachings of Jesus basically to mean right and wrong are determined by whatever makes you feel good and whatever you want. Otherwise you’re a “phony”.

            You have turned His condemnation of hypocrisy upside down, and perverted it to mean that whoever sins the most is the least hypocritical.

            Yet that’s the opposite of what He taught. He said to clear your eye, not shove a spec in it.

            The hypocrisy of the Pharisees was that they were sinning while trying to condemn others for sinning, and in many cases committing the very same sins themselves.

            The hypocrisy of the Pharisees was NOT that they were not sinning enough 🙄

            You not only diminish the teaching of Jesus, you completely pervert them, and invert them upside down.

          8. Just like the Pharisees, you teach as doctrine the commandments of men – psychology, sociology, Evolution (big E), and so on.

            I’m not a spring chicken. I’ve been around a while, and I’ve heard the arguments before. I know exactly where your “premise” comes from. And it does not come from God’s word.

            Who’s the phony?
            Who’s superficial?

            You children think about that …

          9. Oh, and grammar of course. On this very thread you condemn someone for the “sin” of bad writing skills – just like a Pharisee would.

            Did God say that poor writing skills are sin? Or is that a “commandment of men” ???

            You’re probably patting yourself on the back this very moment saying, “how dare he do all this work and post all this stuff on the sabbath!!!” – as if I took too many steps, dug an ox out of the ditch, or didn’t ceremonially wash my hands before eating

            YOU are the Pharisee.

          10. Since you brought up the subject of job and work, I’m going to give you one more example, and present you with one more followup question to consider.

            God’s word tells us to take care of household, relatives, and those around us in need. And that takes something called WORK.

            Now if I wake up one morning and just don’t feel like working that day, but I go to work anyhow, and do what God says to do because of my obligation to Him and to those He has instructed me to care for, does that make me a phony?

            I don’t know for sure, but you may also be implying that the type of one’s work is determinant to whether or not they are a “phony”? Does God require a degree from a seminary before one is allowed to speak His word? Does God require one to be in a certain line of work? Many of the Apostles did hard labor in order to make a living. Paul wrote about it. Jesus was a tekton who did hard manual labor. None of them had a Ph. D. in divinity. Paul, in fact, left his position as a religious leader and scholar.

            … who’s teaching as doctrine the commandments of men?

            By the commandments of men, Jesus Himself would’ve been considered a “phony”

            By your own apparent standards, Jesus Himself would’ve been considered a “phony”

            Who’s the pharisee?

            By which standards does it matter what I do for a living? Those derived from God’s word, or those derived from the commandments of men?

            Who’s the pharisee?

            You and your buddies give that some thought. Consider all that you believe. Which of it comes from God’s word, and which of it is a commandment of men? Which is the real Jesus, and which is a false image of Him?

            I work and trust in the Lord. I honor Him in all that I do. And He provides.

            That’s where my “living” comes from. That’s all that matters. And that’s all you need to know.

          11. Given the cost of not being sexually immoral, holding to the Biblical account of Creation, and so on, in today’s society, with the commandments of men, “knowledge” of mankind, basically making those of us who believe and live by such standards, honoring God’s word, into some sort of circus side-show oddity, why would anyone admit that they are an old virgin?

            Do you have any concept of the cost?

            You know the cost, considering the jobs you first listed were not exactly jobs that would lead someone to great wealth and success, by the world’s standards.

            Believing creation, being against sexual immorality, being apposed to the murder of babies in the womb – in general, holding to God’s word -, is not exactly a recipe for great worldly success. You already know this, or you wouldn’t be doing what you’re doing here, with the expectation that your efforts could possibly achieve any results.

            By your worldly standards, I am a total loser, who is assuredly far lesser than you. I have no money to speak of. I own very little. I probably work harder than you and all your buddies combined.

            Sure, by the world’s standards, I’m a loser and total laughingstock.

            If that’s what you want to hear, then we can go ahead and nip that in the bud.

            But if you think it bothers me, phases me, intimidates, or dissuades me, well, as I said before, that’s a tactic that might work with teenagers, or those with such a level of maturity …

          12. For what possible reason would you believe that I would be lying?

            Why would anyone want to be such a “phony” ?

            Your own behavior here betrays the fact that you know the answer to those questions …

          13. In addition to all of that, I post anonymously. Right? You don’t know who I am, and you never will know who I am.

            Even if there were something to gain (which, ironically, could only be superficial), how could I possibly gain it by remaining anonymous?

            You can’t even answer the most basic questions underlying your “premise”. Why?

            … reprobate stupidity

          14. Your “premise” is self-refuting …

            It truly is a sign of reprobate minds that you and your buddies can’t come up with anything more intelligent than the stupid, immature tactics you employ here.

            As I told you before, that stupidity comes from the wickedness of your heart. The good news is that you don’t have to stay that stupid.

          15. Lest you forget, I never brought up the fact that I’m an unmarried virgin. You did that. It’s the one thing you’ve correctly guessed in years. Yet at the same time, you called me a “heretic” as if somehow not being sexually immoral makes one a heretic – which is, of course, directly opposed to Jesus’ teaching. Right? Has the concept gotten through your noggin yet? Jesus didn’t teach that the more genuinely wicked one is the better they are. He didn’t teach that. He didn’t teach “the more righteous the more heretical” 🙄

            If I were a “phony” then I would’ve brought it up, and made a big deal of it.

            But I didn’t …

            I know exactly what your irrational “premise” really is, and I know exactly why my conveyance of the fact that there have been tens of billions of sexually moral Christians over the centuries completely and entirely destroyed it, and exposed it for the stupidity it is. Your response was no surprise.

            You might as well face it, child. You cannot defeat the truth of God’s word …

          16. Your “premise” is analogous to saying only a murderer would oppose murder, only a thief would oppose theft, only a liar would oppose lying, …

            It’s that stupid …

            The world considers such stupidity to be intelligent, but in reality it’s dumber than dirt …

            The only difference between me and the other tens of millions around the world is that I speak. There are many of us. Only a few of us speak. And it’s a shame that such is the case, but then again, your own behavior here betrays why. You know why.

            In fact, if I were to post what I post using my real name, I might lose my job, and I’m in a position with the freedom to speak the truth more than most.

            If you don’t understand it by now, you never will … your premise refutes itself.

            In fact, it is not a logical premise at all. It’s a hypothesis that you are trying to forcibly make true, by contaminating your own experiment, and the more it’s shown to be false the more you double-down.

          17. Your hypothesis is basically that morality is harmful, unhealthy, and abnormal

            And somehow or another you have convinced yourself that is what Jesus taught. Somehow you’ve convinced yourself that His purpose was to wage war on morality. Somehow or another, you’ve warped and perverted the Gospel into a notion that wickedness is good and righteousness is bad. Not only going so far as to pervert His grace into license for immorality, but to call anyone who doesn’t do so a “heretic”, and to use that perversion of the Gospel to try to pressure others into sin. You are a worker of iniquity.

            … what do you think He died for?

            … did Jesus die in order to make moral people a laughingstock?

            You undermine the entire Gospel, yet you call others heretics. You do not know Him.

            You cannot serve two masters. That’s another thing you fail to understand. At some point your love for the world will require you to hate and despise believers. Your compassion for the wicked will, when taken too far, demand that you condemn the righteous, as you have been doing here for years now.

          18. No, Jesus did not “make light” of the Pharisees or anyone else. He did not mock or ridicule.

            But the Pharisees did. Even while putting Him to death, shoving a crown of thorns on His head, putting a sign that said “king of the Jews”, making Him a laughingstock.

            They also called Him a phony. Even claiming He drove out demons by Beelzebul.

            Jesus did not condemn righteousness. But the pharisees did.
            Jesus did not justify wickedness. But the pharisees did.

            You are the pharisee …

          19. You and your arrogant pals, you’re like the pharisees who “made light” of the poor woman who gave all that she had.

            Many of us may have bad grammar, may not be as educated or successful as you, may not have the status that you have, may not have the greatest knowledge of scripture, and so on, but we give what we have to give.

            In your opinion, it’s not good enough.

            But there’s one slight problem – your opinion doesn’t count.

            Any of this getting through your thick, arrogant, reprobate noggin(s)?

          20. Of course, if your “premise” requires such an appeal to authority, other than scripture, it is fallacious from the start … yet again, refuting itself.

            You refuted it by even asking what I do for a living …

          21. What’s diminished here at this website, by authors and posters, are the false teachings of your false image of Jesus.

            That’s what’s diminished.

            As it should be …

  3. While on the surface one could make that argument, it clearly disputes Scripture that states that Christ knew no sin. Only by doing the will of the Father would that be possible.
    This man is Biblically illiterate at the very least.

  4. I have absolutely no problem with this man believing this. My problem is that he claims to speak for the things he , by his own admission, does not believe?
    Why would I claim to be a Muslim Cleric and then open the Koran and say it isn’t true (and it isn’t) but claim to speak for Islam?

    This man clearly needs medication for Bipolarism. And maybe anice padded room for good measure.

      1. Obviously, I did not write that.
        Editors, when are you going to ban the IP of this atheist troll who regularly defames commenters here? It’s not hard to do –

        1. Page views are page views. We were founded by a drug addict and we rarely even use bylines. You think we have integrity or even care about Christians? Keep dreamin’, Nancy.

          1. I don’t know what’s worse, the “sin” of not using bylines, or the “sin” of taking too many steps on the sabbath.

            Say cheese for the camera, Pharisee troll

          2. We all know you want bylines, so you know who to target …

            You’re the very reason why it is reasonable to publish anonymously.

          3. Truly born-again Christians all understand this. I’m certain I can speak for every last one of us when I say nobody would ever fault a brother or sister for posting anonymously, given the hostility toward Christians these days, so bad that in some countries Christians are being imprisoned for quoting scripture. We all know and understand all too well. Not everyone is positioned such that they can make their name known, while ensuring the safety of their family, children, church.

            The early church met in secret, had secret symbols, and so on, dealing with the same hostility.

            You can’t refute the message, so you want to shoot the messenger. Your hostility toward Christians is obvious.

            And in typical pharisee-like fashion, you not only don’t publish your own real name, you can’t even post using your own screen name …

            You’re the very reason why it’s reasonable …

          4. And it wouldn’t make any difference, in the first place. You could target and destroy every Bible-believing Christian on the planet, and God’s word would still stand. It wouldn’t change one iota.

            If “they publish anonymously” is your best argument, then you don’t have an argument.

      2. The irony is that Jesus pointed to examples how men’s own words would condemn themselves on that day.
        So the troll that makes much of his superior intelligence, can’t understand simple, clear, biblical truths? And I, a fool, can?

        How will ever you troll your way out of that at the Great White Throne?

          1. You’ve done a fantastic job making an arse of yourself already there, M. That ship done sailed.

  5. The risk of heresy, in his own words, isn’t a risk at all…he’s a full blown heretic and a blasphemer. I don’t know who is stupider, him or the people listening to him…strong delusion in that place.

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