Representative Nancy Mace Foregoes Fornication To Attend Prayer Breakfast

Politicians of all stripes are known for using the Christian faith as a tool to lure voters who buy into their political platform, believing that the perceived sincerity of a politician who claims to be a Christian must mean that the platform of that politician is also Christian. Nancy Mace is such a politician.
Mace, a politician who prominently displays her Christian label to attract conservative South Carolina voters, straddles the fence on such issues as LGBTQ rights and abortion. Mace was one of 31 Republicans who voted for the LGBTQ Business Equal Credit Enforcement and Investment Act. This bill provides for the collection of loan data intending to provide equitable lending outcomes to LGBTQ-owned businesses.
Mace was the lone co-sponsor of the Serving Our LGBTQ Veterans Act, legislation that would create a special center that would cater to the delusions of LGBTQ-identifying individuals within the Department of Veterans Affairs. When it comes to abortion legislation, Mace is in favor of splitting the baby down the middle, claiming that she is opposed to abortion, but insists on rape and incest exceptions for all abortion legislation, regardless of the stage of the pregnancy.
Mace was recently invited to speak at Senator Tim Scott’s annual South Carolina prayer breakfast. The representative began her remarks by stating that her need to be on time for the event was so great that she resisted her fiancée’s seductive moves at the hotel that morning to make it to the event on time.
“When I woke up this morning at 7, I was getting picked up at 7:45. Patrick, my fiance, tried to pull me by my waist over this morning in bed. And I was like, ‘No, baby, we don’t get time for that this morning, I gotta get to the prayer breakfast, and I gotta be on time…and little TMI, but he can wait. I’ll see him later tonight. But I was here early today for you, Tim, and I think everybody was here early for you today.”
Generally speaking, the purpose of organized prayer isn’t to seek the political favor of a higher-level politician, as Nancy Mace admitted in her remarks, but rather to seek the favor of a Holy God. God is truly at the center of genuine prayer. Unfortunately, public prayer is often used as a political prop rather than for its God-intended purpose, that men would repent and align themselves with the will of God.
Confronted with the reality that the idea of her personal admission was not palatable to the conservative evangelical audience that comprised the event, the twice-married and divorced representative went on the defensive, claiming that she was a sinner, but her remarks were only meant as a joke.

Perhaps Mace and all other politicians who claim the name of Christ should consider Jesus’ admonitions on prayer.
“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites. For they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners, that they may be seen by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father, who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
Matthew 6:5-6
I forwent sex my entire life so I could make this comment.
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Good job troll, you accidentally posted something in my name that is actually somewhat true.
As Jesus said …
“… first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take out the speck that is in your brother’s eye.”
That second part of Jesus’ statement on the subject, the Antinomian cult that passes for a “church” these days loves to ignore: 1) clear your eye and turn from sin. 2) rebuke sin
I can indeed say things in good conscience, without being a hypocrite, that others cannot.
But what you’ve got wrong is that it wasn’t my doing. It was the Lord’s doing. He led me down that path. And my speaking up isn’t my doing either. It is Him who compels me to speak.
I’ve told you several times, troll, but it still hasn’t sunk into your brain. It’s not a competition. I was born into sin, falling short of the glory of God, and in need of a Savior, just like everybody else. Perhaps different sin, but sin just the same. And I have repented and turned away from it, as you should yours.
Your general “logic” is that everyone should just keep on sinning, because none are better than anyone else. And you attempt to intimidate and pressure others into sin on that basis. You might as well say “if you don’t sin, it just means you’re trying to be better than me”. That’s antithesis to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and is devoid of any concern for eternal consequences, for yourself or for others. There is also no limit to the sins you could try to justify. What would you say or do if a murderer tried to pressure you into killing by saying “you just think you’re better than me!” ??? Would you advocate for murder? Would you commit murder? Would you be intimidated or ashamed for not having committed murder? What would you say or do?
Even though you are not a Christian, troll, you should still be able to understand how irrational your “reasoning” is. It’s a race to the bottom. The result of which is nothing but a competition to see who can sin the most so as to not appear to be trying to be better than anyone else. And of course, then, whoever sins the most is, by your warped “logic”, the most humble and least arrogant.
It’s reprobate stupidity.
You cannot shame me. Your tactics may work on teenagers, but they will not work on me. And that’s mostly why I bother to respond to you – for young ones and others who may read. It’s not for you, troll. You are probably too far gone. God has given you over to strong delusion, because you have delighted in wickedness.
The fact that you think this is just one person (or just men) is, frankly, adorable.
Could you help settle a debate we’ve been having for over a month? What line of work are you in? You don’t have to tell me the specific place, but so far the leading candidates from the group are:
-Student at a for-profit university
-Low-level software development
-Local church administration
-Back-of-house food service
-Development for a 501(c)(3)
An honest mistake. One would expect a group of adults to be able to come up with something more intelligent to post, less akin to what one might expect from a 4th grader.
Pretty bad when the best tactic you could all come up with is the juvenile trolling you do here.
Appears the reprobate stupidity is even worse than I thought …
Security guard at a Best Buy?
I work and trust in the Lord. I honor Him in all that I do. And He provides.
That’s where my “living” comes from. That’s all that matters. And that’s all you need to know.
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Twice married and divorced, and now fornicating and bragging about it at public prayer meeting? And pro-perv and pro-killing children of rapists? What a typical tone-deaf “Christian” Leftist. She thought her faux pas was talking about sex, but never considered that *maybe* it was the out-of-wedlock boast that did it. Shame on the church for not disciplining her.
P.S. Why don’t you get rid of all those s*am comments? They clutter your site and make it look unprofessional.
Much ado over nothing- the woman’s married.
She did say finace.
lol. Fiance
Oh, that changes things considerably…
I stand corrected.
NOT married. Pay attention!
When Yahweh gave the Hebrews the 10 Commandments, He meant what He said. So when Aaron, put the Tetragrammaton on the calves and said here are your gods, the LORD did not approve because He said don’t create any graven image or worship other gods. Just because someone proclaims God’s name or puts His name on something doesn’t mean it is Christian or that God approves. And, on top of that, YES we are all sinners, but true believers are ashamed of their sin and do not delight in sharing their failures in a joking way.
I read this article yesterday on Fox (I think?) anyway I used it as an example to a woman I know that claims to be a Christian but has absolutely zero evidence. I explained how many lost people have a flavor of religion but don’t know God. A Christian could do that, but a true Christian would get a moments peace because of Gods conviction. And if they still didn’t repent God would use other methods to get the Christians attention.
So many professing Christ today have never met him in true Salvation.
Nance is and always has been a classless opportunist…..a politically woke grifter.
She should have been immediately been asked to sit down and leave the lecturn. Yes, with the authority of Christ. Where are the men of God?