New Survey: Most Millennials Believe Misgendering Should be a Crime

You don’t have to imagine a world where calling someone by the wrong gender pronoun could land you in legal hot water; you only have to imagine how soon it will affect you. According to a recent Newsweek survey, a startling number of millennials, those aged 25-34, think this should be the case. A whopping 44 percent of this group believe that misgendering should be punishable by law, easily overshadowing the 31 percent who disagree.
Even the slightly older age group, those aged 35-44, aren’t far behind, with 38 percent in favor of criminalizing misgendering, while 35 percent oppose it. The flames of this debate are fueled by the ongoing political tug-of-war over transgender rights, where Republican-led states are righteously introducing laws to save confused children from a sick culture that wants to pump them full of puberty blockers and cut off healthy body parts.
According to the Pew Research Center, millennials are born between 1981 and 1996. Generation Z, on the other hand, encompasses those born between 1997 and 2012. With the under-40 crowd, there’s a clear tilt toward making misgendering illegal.
These eye-opening insights are courtesy of a survey conducted by Redfield & Wilton Strategies on July 6.
Interestingly, the overall American perspective is quite different. Only 19 percent support the criminalization of misgendering, while a decisive 65 percent are against it. The divide among Generation Z voters aged 18-24 is less pronounced, with 33 percent advocating for legal penalties for misgendering and 48 percent opposing. The survey also unveiled that 37 percent of Americans would respect and use requested pronouns.
It’s not if, but when.
Godless idiocy. We have raised a generation of self-worshipping, self-sanctimonious, Hell-bound fools.
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What will I do? I will continue calling people what I know them to be. Fire me from my job, I will sue you.
And win.
If you have XY chromosomes and call yourself a woman, then you misgendered yourself. Off to jail, eh?
This is what happens when a generation is groomed by the public school system. Indoctrination at its finest.
Calling a man a man, and a woman a woman is “misgendering”. Strange
For those millennials and others who may not be aware …
Justifying wickedness/sin is not only a sin itself, but is an abominable sin (Prov. 17:15). Transvestism is an abomination (Duet. 22:5), in the case of body mutilation it is combined with the abomination of homosexuality, and is also several other sins such as prideful defiance of and disrespect for the Lord, wickedly bearing false witness, and several other sins.
Knowingly uttering those “pronouns” is to commit several sins. It is itself an abominable justification, approval, affirmation, endorsement, encouragement and support of wickedness.
When faced with the choice of obeying men or obeying the Lord, we must obey the Lord. (Acts 5:29, etc.)
‘When faced with the choice of obeying men or obeying the Lord, we must obey the Lord. (Acts 5:29, etc.)‘
This is the truth and it is mind boggling to me to see a certain sect of ‘Christianity’ (so-called) calling it unloving by not referring to them in the preferred pronouns.
We are living in dark times.