Presbyterian ‘Pastor’ Says Killing Babies in Abortions is a ‘Blessing’ and an ‘Act of Love’

(Life News) Killing an unborn child because she’s a girl is a “moral good.” Killing an unborn boy because he has Down syndrome is “an act of love.” Killing an unborn baby just because you forgot to use birth control and don’t want to be a parent yet “is an act of grace,” “a blessing.”

That essentially is the message that a Presbyterian pastor has made it her mission to share with Christians across the United States. Of course, the Rev. Rebecca Todd Peters does not mention killing or babies in her sermons promoting abortion on demand. According to Religion News Service, Peters gave a sermon July 9 at the Community Church of Chapel Hill in North Carolina, explaining why she believes Christians should support abortions for any reason without restriction.

“Abortion is a moral good. Abortion is an act of love. Abortion is an act of grace,” Peters told the congregation. “Abortion is a blessing.”

As she spoke, she wore a bright pink stole displaying the logo of the billion-dollar abortion chain Planned Parenthood, according to the report. Peters is an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), an… to continue reading click here.

This article was written by Micaih Bilger and published at Life News

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8 thoughts on “Presbyterian ‘Pastor’ Says Killing Babies in Abortions is a ‘Blessing’ and an ‘Act of Love’

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      1. What does it say about the so-called Christians who sat there and listened to her say that and probably nod their heads in agreement? Ever get to feeling the vast majority of the warmers are just that and are not regenerate and not just because of the abortion issue, either?

        I really wish churches, especially Reformed ones, would give a simple quiz to all congregations asking relatively basic questions about doctrine. I think the findings would be shocking.

  1. She’s not a Presbyterian, she’s a heathen religionist, playing believer. Self deception is probably the worst kind out there.

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