Church Apologizes for Sermon from Duggar Dad That Praised Slaves For Not Rebelling

Fairpark Baptist Church issued an apology after a sermon from Mike Keller went viral praising black slaves in the 19th century for not protesting or rebelling against their ‘masters’ and suggesting that they only gained their freedom after repenting of their wicked ways.

Keller is the father of Anna Duggar and the father-in-law of convicted pedophile Josh Duggar, who is currently serving a 12.5-year sentence for possessing CSAM, and had this to say during a sermon.

Folks, I want to tell you; it is really simple. I’ll show you how to change America.”

A hundred-fifty years ago, or 200 years ago when the blacks were slaves. Did they ever go to Washington D .C. and have a rally 200 years ago to protest against slavery? Did they? No. What did they do? Well, a lot of good people in the plantations would say, ‘hey, it’s wintertime. Let’s let us help build a church for you, dear folk.’ And they loved them and taught them how to read so they could read the Bible. And here’s what the blacks did about 150 years ago.

They humbled themselves. They prayed. They sought God’s face and they turned from their wicked ways. And God made slavery illegal through several white Presidents, right? It worked, didn’t it? They didn’t protest.

Maybe there’s a place for protest. I don’t know. But that was a wise pastor that warned his flock (not to attend the rally)”

As a result of the backlash, the church deleted the sermon and told CBS News.

“Fairpark Baptist Church affirms that racism and slavery are wrong, sinful and violate the scriptures. As a part of our faith we would never condone slavery, or tolerate any kind of prejudice against people of color.” 

In a statement made to Church Leaders, they elaborated further:

The comments were hurtful and reflected a misrepresentation of racial and historical issues and we completely disagree with the statements that were made. Fairpark Baptist Church affirms that racism and slavery are wrong, sinful and violate the Scriptures. As a part of our faith we would never condone slavery, or tolerate any kind of prejudice against people of color. We seek to follow God’s words found in Romans 12:9: “Let love be without dissimulation (hypocrisy). Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.”

h/t Church Leaders

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