Hillsong Leader Phil Dooley Crowdsurfs During Worship Event

Global Hillsong leader Phil Dooley raised a few eyebrows during a worship session at the 2023 Hillsong Conference this past week, after he jumped off the stage and into the crowd. Dooley floated around for a bit before being brought back to the front, in a video posted to the embattled church’s Instagram page.
The scandal-riddled, embattled church has been running on steam over the last year, with attendance and tithes plummeting to the point that their main campus had to section off parts of the auditorium and reduce services from two to one to appear fuller and less sparse. The day before the conference, Dooley acknowledged in an interview.
“I understand that public perception is not always the greatest. We need to rebuild trust, and that’s earned, Lucinda and I, stepping into the role of leading our church. … We feel the weight of that. We believe we are stepping into a new era. … We’ve got a really clear vision. We’ve got a focus when it comes to our mission, and we’ve been doing a whole lot even with our governance, you know, refreshing our board and making changes there.”
It’s difficult to see how Dooley can rebuild trust when he was one of the ones abusing the system. Member of the Australian Parliament Andrew Wilkie, who used parliamentary privilege to unearth a vast trove of Hillsong expenses, said this about Dooley:
The new head of Hillsong, Phil Dooley, has told church followers he only flies economy, but these documents show him clocking up $58,000 in business-class flights for him and his daughter to Guatemala, $42,000 in business-class flights to Mexico and $32,000 in business-class flights from Cape Town to Sydney via the U.S Hillsong followers believe that the money they put in the poor box goes to the poor, but these documents show how that money is actually used to do the kind of shopping that would embarrass a Kardashian.”
The whistleblower report extrapolated further:
“As a long-term board member, the current Hillsong Global Senior Pastor, and Brian Houston’s replacement, Phil Dooley has been party to all of this misconduct. He has also been involved in this self-indulgent spending and private benefit — and still is. Not only does Lucinda Dooley also fly around the world business class but Hillsong additionally pays to fly Phil and Lucinda’s children around the world — and not in economy class.
Phil Dooley is flying to Guatemala at an airfare cost of $44k, to speak at the church (Casa De Dios) of his good friend and spiritual mentor Cash Luna. Considering that Hillsong does not have a church in Guatemala, and spiritual mentoring can be performed over Zoom, it would be surprising if these $44k flights were not being used solely for Phil to earn a personal benefit honorarium for preaching at two church services — likely to be around at least $20-30k. It is unfathomable why Hillsong is also paying an additional $23k for Phil’s daughter Bella and his best mate ‘Sanga’ Scott Samways to accompany him to Guatemala.”

Top 10 Weirdest Things Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church
Top 10 Most Expensive Meals Brian and Bobbie Houston Expensed to the Church
Top 10 Luxury Hotels Hillsong Leaders Expensed to the Church (Spoiler: The Cheapest is $8457.42)
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“Dooley floated around for a bit”
Pretty much the example 50 year old men give as a bad example to follow pretending to be kids to appeal to them.
None of them acting their age, or being good examples even if pretending to be in their teens. It’s as unseemly as men acting like women, and just as un-manly.
The corruption, thefts, and sexual seductions of the youth (and I still say it involved sodomy as well), just adds the snake-ness to all this, that it isn’t cute at all.
I think protestia/p&p was right about hillsong keeping secret files on people and tracking them. I think I saw it with me own eyes, operating a lot like scientology keeps track of people in it and follows them around.
By the way, I looked it up just now. The word translated “sober” from the Greek in the bible and also related to prudent, is also related to sophmore (more advanced student) 1680s, “student in the second year of university study,” literally “arguer,” altered from sophumer (1650s), from sophume, an archaic variant form of sophism, ultimately from Greek sophistēs “a master of one’s craft; a wise or prudent man, one clever in matters of daily life.”.
Ie to act sober might possibly sometimes more accurately be expressed in Greek as to act as a master of the craft and wise and prudent, and not like a new student or child.