Worship Leader Warns Against the Dreaded Mind-Controlling ‘Octopus Spirit’

We last wrote about Jenny Weaver, the former homeless drug addict and self-cutting Wiccan-turned-worship leader after she led a charismatic children’s conference that had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit and then actually doing it.
Now, she’s teaching about the ‘octopus spirit,’ describing how this watery demon afflicts the soul while lamenting its mission to convince Christians that they can’t be demon-possessed by mind-melding mollusks.
It’s not the first time we’ve heard of the ‘octopus spirit,’ as nothing makes a charismatic happier than being able to name a newly-discovered demon after some zoo animal. We’ll add this one to the long list of ones we’ve been told that Christians ought to be wary and on guard for, including the ‘merman spirit,’ the ‘wild-ass spirit,’ and our personal favorite, the ‘sneaky squid spirit ‘that Dr. Michael Brown so vociferously defends.
Describing the ‘octopus spirit’ as a mind-controlling spirit hidden for years within Christians, Weaver says that this spirit will move people’s bodies where it wants to go and, in exchange, make them feel depressed and tired.
Of course, there is no such thing, and Weaver is making things up. While it’s true we battle not against flesh and blood, Christians cannot be inhabited by demons, especially not contrived tentacled ones.
h/t to Revealing Truth
Jenny still has hallucinogens in her system. There is a reason people with drug and occult problems sometimes find their way into Charismatic circles. The experience is not entirely unrelated.
Kind of long for the days explaining to people that Santa and the Easter Bunny aren’t Christian or that humans do not become angels…. ugh