Retaliation for Protesting? Abortionist Runs Over Pro-life Activist With His Car

image from Live Action News

In a shocking event last week, an elderly abortion provider from Michigan allegedly hit a pro-life advocate with his car outside a Saginaw abortion clinic, resulting in a broken leg for the victim. 

Pro-life sidewalk counselor, Mark Zimmerman, informed Live Action News about his severe tibia fracture, which has led to his current reliance on a wheelchair until he undergoes surgery. 

Zimmerman, who often joins other pro-life supporters in prayer outside the Women’s Center of Saginaw, claimed that the 88-year-old abortionist, Theodore Roummel, ran over him twice with his car on that fateful Friday. 

“I was standing in the driveway and the abortionist ran over my leg, and then he had to reverse to get off my leg, so he ran me over twice.”

A  GiveSendGo fundraiser set up for Zimmerman claim that several witnesses saw Roummel laugh at Zimmerman as he lay injured on the ground.  Zimmerman stated that despite four witnesses backing up his account, Roummel was not arrested. Instead, he continued with his day, performing five abortions. He shared with Live Action that while the police are investigating the incident, Roummel has yet to face any charges. 

“I went today to the police station in Saginaw Township, and was told they didn’t have the police report finished because it is still under investigation, If the roles were reversed I would have been taken away in handcuffs.”

Interestingly, this isn’t the first such incident involving Roummel. In 2012, he was charged with assault after Lynn Mills, director of Pro-Life Michigan, claimed he hit her with his car. Despite this traumatic event, Zimmerman remains undeterred, planning to return to the abortion clinic to continue his advocacy work. 

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