Aimee Byrd Torches Her ‘Uptight’ Old Church, Reveals THIS about Her New One

Former professing complementarian Aimee Byrd has ripped into her former church while revealing she now attends a church led by women pastors, highlighting the downgrade she’s been on and vindicating many who have been warning about her drift for years.
Once part of The Mortification of Spin, a podcast she co-hosted with Carl Trueman and Todd Pruitt, she was sent packing and expunged from the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals due to dissatisfaction with her polemical publications, particularly after her views of complementarian went from hard, to soft.
For years Byrd rebuffed any notion or concerns that she was on a progressive trajectory- a claim she categorically denied and then became upset that it was even suggested in the first place, despite ample evidence to the contrary. We noted our concerns with her four years ago, after we removed her book from our recommended reading list, two years before she was relieved of her duties on the show.
Byrd used to be far more conservative in her beliefs, hiding behind her denomination until she left it last year. During her discourses and online skirmishes, she would frequently point out her membership creds in the OPC as proof positive she’s sound in her beliefs. Then last year, she preached a very strange sermon to a mixed crowd during the Sunday morning service – something her former denomination expressly prohibited.
In a recent article titled Drunk on New Wine that brings everything full circle, she extolls the virtues of a youth-led church service, in part because it led by a pastrix, which she likens to the culmination of pentecost.
The children were collaborating with the adults in leading us to worship. To pray. To read the word of God to us. They were thinking about how the pastor’s sermon affects the lives of the congregation. Before preaching, the pastor credited them with their collaboration, mentioning that all the good parts were theirs and that she takes the responsibility for any parts that weren’t good….
Later, after noting that the “I told you Aimee is on a slippery slope” crowd can feel very vindicated”, Byrd took some potshots at her former denomination, the air acrid with her bite.
I walked away thinking how about how terribly uptight the churches I’ve worshipped so long in are. Quenching the Spirit. Managing Pentecost. Promoting an image that God speaks through the few. The special. The men. The “qualified.” Missing these wonders in the heaven above and the signs on the earth below.
Ultimately, the last five years of Byrd’s life and ministry represent a failure to be honest about what she believes and offer us a picture of what it looks like to reject labels even while covertly embracing them. With this part of her deconstruction complete, we wonder what the next stage will be.
My most recent pay test was for a 12-hour-per-week internet job for 9,500 dollars. For months, my sister’s friend has been making an average of 15,000, and she puts in about 20 hours every week. As soon as I gave it a try, I was shocked at how simple it was
Do this instead———————————>>>
Complementarianism reminds me of kids in youth group trying to figure out how worldly they can be while still being Christians and people like Aimee Byrd are the fruit of that mentality. It’s like Complementarians are trying to figure out how to be as feminist as possible while still *technically* following the Bible.
Maybe I’m just a stupid lay person but between
1 Corinthians 14:35 “And if they desire to learn anything, let them ask their own husbands at home; for it is improper for a woman to speak in church.”
Titus 2:3-5 “Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips, nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be dishonored.”
There are zero circumstances where women should be teaching in any official capacity except when older women teach younger women and even then, what the older women should teach is qualified in Titus 2.
The_Peter is exactly right.
But Beth Moore said it’s alright for women to pastor, this a settled issue, duh!💡
What a terribly written article. What was her former church?
It’s in the 2nd paragraph…OPC, Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
If only it was as well-written as “Archaeology and the Unwary Believer”.
…and the world takes another…
Seems their latest angle is to try to claim the Holy Spirit leads in directions contrary to God’s word.
I’m afraid to ask what sort of reprobate buffoonery they come up with next.
Watching Pruitt and Trueman refuse to admit to what so many people could see going on with bird at least two, if not three years, before the departure, gave them a substantial loss of credibility.