‘The Passion Translation’ Creator Brian Simmons Says YOU are the Antichrist+ Bizarre Bible Twist

In a bit of bizarre bible twisting, The Passion Translator creator Brian Simmons suggests that every time you sin, you are the Antichrist, but his own idiosyncratic bible version betrays him.

The Passion is a single-author “translation” of the scriptures by NAR “Apostle” Dr. Brian Simmons of Stairway Ministries, who claimed that during a trip to heaven Jesus appeared to him and gave him “secrets” of the Hebrew language, which is the basis of the book.

Simmons, who has previously claimed that he once went shopping for milk and anyone within a 12-foot radius of him fell to the ground and were slain in the spirit, spoke at Bethel Church in Austin and told them:

The two books in the Bible, people say to me all the time, the two most or least understood books in the Bible are my two favorite books in the Bible.

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, the last book of the Bible, the Antichrist, the word ‘Antichrist’ is not in that book. So you’ve really done an injustice when you stick Antichrist where he doesn’t belong. People get so upset with me when I take away their Antichrist. They go ‘Oh, okay, you can keep him.’ You say, ‘but who is the Antichrist?’

Well, just look in the mirror sometime and every time you oppose Jesus Christ.

‘But wait, wait, what about the ‘man of sin that stands in the temple and says, I am God?’ Well, what if that’s a little mistranslated verse that is actually ‘the sin of man in the temple?‘ Saying ‘I’m gonna rule my life.’

See a difference, see what a difference a translation makes?

While he’s correct that the word ‘Antichrist’ never appears in the book, he is called by other names, and just because a specific name or title isn’t there doesn’t mean it’s not true (i.e. ‘Trinity.’) More egregiously however, is his claim that we are the Antichrist every time we sin and the question of his strange hypothetical mistranslation.

Though he suggests ‘Man of Sin’ should read ‘sin of man,’ he never translated it that way. In fact, he used a more unclear variation on the ‘man of lawlessness’ (and lowercase ‘God’ at the end- something no other version does.)

Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way. Before that day comes the rebellion must occur and the “outlaw”-the destructive son- will be revealed in his true light. He is the opposing counterpart who exalts himself over everything that is called “God” or is worshiped and who sits enthroned in God’s temple and makes himself out to be a god. 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4 TPT

Simmon’s logic is strange and foolish, and the fact that the Bethelites are ‘oooooohing’ and ‘awwwwing’ over it shows how blind they truly are.

h/t Revealing Truth on YouTube.

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6 thoughts on “‘The Passion Translation’ Creator Brian Simmons Says YOU are the Antichrist+ Bizarre Bible Twist

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