Breaking! Rick Warren Loses Vote. Saddleback Church Is Officially Disfellowshipped from the SBC

It’s official. Despite Rick Warren making a 3-minute appeal to the convention before the final votes were cast- a nasty and tragically problematic speech that resulted in him getting cut off when he went over his time, nearly 12,000 messengers spoke and voted to uphold the decision to disfellowship Saddleback Church.

Warren has been insufferable this last week on social media, first issuing an “apology” to women on his behalf for not allowing them to be pastors, and then insulting complementarian Southern Baptists as a bunch of angry fundamentalists for also not allowing women to be pastors. In his brief screed before the convention he argued that ‘the 1928 (SBC) churches with women on pastoral staff have not sinned’ and compared tolerance towards pastrixes to tolerance towards Calvinists. But to no avail.

The convention voted over 88% to disfellowship Saddleback, and we hope the other 1927 churches remaining are next.

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16 thoughts on “Breaking! Rick Warren Loses Vote. Saddleback Church Is Officially Disfellowshipped from the SBC

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  1. Honestly, I’m surprised. But if you actually have to vote on something like this, you’re already headed in the wrong direction. They should have been automatically disfellowshipped (after given a chance to repent) when it was made known.

  2. Why was Rick Warren making this appeal rather than the actual, current, male & female married couple who are the official senior pastors of Saddleback?

  3. At least Rick Warren is a man of principle. He is apparently more a stand-up man than most SBC pastors. Rick Warren would not simply apply the code-word-title of “minister” to his female pastors like the other 99% of chicken, woke, joke, liberal SBC churches out there do.

  4. Have to think Pastor Warren’s ham-fisted twitter rants over the past week alienated quite a few people, there was concern this might be close but instead he lost 8:1. That’s quite the repudiation.

    Hard to understand what he thought he was going to accomplish by attacking the faithful. I suppose he thought he could guilt trip the delegates into supporting him using worldly tactics, thank goodness most of them appear to know the Bible and didn’t fall for it.

  5. RW2’s pride got the best of him he wasn’t as important nor admired by others as he thinks he is in his own head. Plus Mohler did a good job exposing the fallacy of RW’S position without attacking RW. Actually Mohler really exposed the shallow ,weakness of his argument along with smug,arrogant pettiness of RW’S delivery. Mohler dropped a truth bomb in the arena when this battle had already been fought and decided. Mohler stood tall … at least on that day. RW miscalculated. He only protested because I really believe he thought he had the messengers in his hip pocket?…. oh well… now please just ,just go away.

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  7. Apparently, America’s guru is not what he thought to the SBC. I feel another book coming on……

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