Breaking: CHARGES DROPPED Against Street Preacher After Pride Encounter Goes Viral + City Open to Lawsuit

All charges against the Pennsylvania preacher who was arrested after speaking up at a homosexual Pride rally have been dropped, according to the Berks County District Attorney. In a message posted on Facebook, they share that their office has withdrawn charges of disorderly conduct filed against Damon Atkins after reviewing the video and the applicable case law.

According to reports from the Lancaster Patriot, Berks County Commissioner Christian Leinbach said the arrest could lead to potential legal action against the city and police department.

“From what I have seen thus far I believe this was an unlawful arrest and could open the City of Reading and their police department to legal action.”

We hope it does, given how full of innacuracies and lies the affidavit of probable cause is (see below). In the video, Police Sergeant Bradley T. McClure arrests Atkins for offering a principled protest of the event, where he was only able to get out ‘God is not-‘ before being handcuffed and led away.

Atkins told The Lancaster Patriot He was going to quote a portion of 1 Corinthians 14:33 – “God is not the author of confusion” – but did not finish the quote because he stopped when he was handcuffed by McClure.

According to an affidavit of probable cause, McClure claims that “[Atkins] was carrying a sign with a slogan written on it that showed his opposition to the event.”

The video footage shows Atkins holding a sign that read “JESUS SAID GO AND SIN NO MORE.”

In the affidavit, McClure also claims that Atkins “began to yell to the people” attending the pride event.

“I immediately approached him and told him that, while he was free to stand on that side of the street and hold his sign,” McClure wrote in the affidavit, “he could not cross the street nor yell comments intended to disrupt the event.”

McClure added that Atkins “said he understood.” But the video does not show Atkins agreeing to remain silent and Atkins told The Lancaster Patriot that he never agreed to McClure’s instructions.

The affidavit continues with McClure claiming that in less than a minute Atkins “resumed yelling derogatory comments to the people at the event.”

The video records the only words from Atkins as “God is not the” immediately prior to McClure arresting him.

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10 thoughts on “Breaking: CHARGES DROPPED Against Street Preacher After Pride Encounter Goes Viral + City Open to Lawsuit

  1. My most recent pay test was for a 12-hour-per-week internet job for 9,500 dollars. For months, my sister’s friend has been making an average of 15,000, and she puts in about 20 hours every week. As soon as I gave it a try, I was shocked at how simple it was.
    Do this instead———————————>>>

  2. So a police officer lied to secure the arrest of someone he didn’t think had properly respected his authority even though that person wasn’t really breaking the law? No surprise here.

    The surprise is people thinking most officers will be on our side when we protest such public sexual behavior.

  3. Until agencies such as this are sued for unConstitutional enforcement and/or outright lying, this kind of commie-wannabe activity will continue. This is no time to be turning the other cheek.

  4. Back the Blue is a social engineering slogan. Back the law, yes but the badges aren’t the law, they are simply are supposed to enforce it and as you can see all over YouTube with auditors, law enforcement is heavy populated with easily corrupted individuals.

  5. I’m enjoying 1st Amendment auditors more and more.

    And I’ve long since stopped blindly supporting ‘Law Enforcement Officers’

    Especially when they DON’T support the law

  6. I will never trust police ever again. Time and time again they choose to do the bidding of the evil left, when all those nutcases screamed to defund them ( and still are ) and people like me defended them. I don’t care if your chief told you to do this, it’s illegal and just wrong. I have lost all respect for police, FBI, CIA, DOJ, all of them, they sold out the American citizens. Shame on all of them.

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