Rick Warren Spams SBC Pastors With Egalitarian Propaganda

Members of the Southern Baptist Convention are waiting on pins and needles for the upcoming showdown at the convention’s annual meeting, June 11-14, as Rick Warren and his egalitarian Saddleback Cohort challenge the SBC credentials committee ruling that Saddleback Church is no longer in friendly cooperation with the Southern Baptist Convention due to its installation of women in the office of pastor. SBC messengers will now decide the fate of Saddleback and the direction of the convention as they address the status of Saddleback Church and a proposed amendment to define pastor as a position that can only be held by men.

Warren released his 5-point defense of egalitarianism several weeks ago in an open letter. Apparently, the missive was not distributed widely enough for Warren’s satisfaction. In preparation for the convention, Warren’s team obtained a massive list of SBC Pastor emails. Tens of thousands of “heroes” were sent Warren’s open letter and a link to the Purpose Driven Pooh-bah’s egalitarian movement website.

The mass email left many pastors questioning how Warren obtained his email list. The email stated, “You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.” Many recipients noted that they never signed up with any Purpose-Driven or Rick Warren-related websites.

While the convention maintains a database of churches and pastors, the idea of giving or selling an email list to a progressive political operative within the convention for the purpose of lobbying messengers is ethically questionable. Is the same email list available to conservatives in the convention?

So many questions.

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7 thoughts on “Rick Warren Spams SBC Pastors With Egalitarian Propaganda

  1. Rick Warren is dishonest and a liberal purveyor of egalitarianism. He is weak on theology, and relies on his social media persona to sway thousands. He is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

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  3. I am a deacon at an sbc church and also received this email. Never signed up for anything of his for certain. To my knowledge the SBC also does not have my email address. Furthermore, the email address used for this is one that is only published on the church’s website, and is an alias of my actual email address, that I do not think I have ever used to sign up or register for anything. I believe he scraped SBC church websites to obtain his list.

  4. There are thousands of churches and church leaders who need to openly repent of following and endorsing this numbers-driven, compromising individual who continues to damage the Church, and non-believers as well.

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