The Chosen Director Responds to Controversy, Suggests PRIDE Attire is ‘Appropriate in a Professional Environment’

The Chosen director Dallas Jenkins has responded to widespread criticism after a series of pictures from the set of his show emerged, featuring his Steadicam operator adorning his equipment and personal attire with pro-LGBTQ and pro-Trans regalia. In an interview with the Christian Post, Jenkins says that people are free to express themselves however they want, and that he cares more about work ethic than what the person dresses like.
“We are not a church in which all of our employees are going to fit under one particular mission statement, one particular belief system. We are a for-profit company; we’re a media company; we’re a public company. We have investors and all of that.
…When we hire someone to work for us, our No. 1 objective is who is the best person for this job? We made a decision from the beginning that our standards is going to be ‘will you work hard?’
…And as long as you’re contributing to that and helping make that show great, as great as possible, we think our viewers should be saying ‘thank you, especially to those who might have different beliefs than we do and yet are still willing to work their tails off for this show and for the message of the show.”
Given that Christians largely crowdfund the show and it is often marketed to them as a ministry tool, some have questioned whether or not Jenkins is downplaying the true offense and vulgarity of a Pride flag toward God when he has the power and prerogative to nix this sort of attire, and whether or not he would allow other offensive comment and vulgar clothing on set. According to the Post:

The director and co-writer clarified that if someone is vulgar or harming someone else, that’s not appropriate in a professional environment. However, Jenkins said he does not discriminate against people regarding their personal belief systems.
“When it comes to their personal belief systems or what they wear, we’re not going to do what we’ve seen other people do, where sometimes you’ll see a Christian not allowed to wear a hat or express themselves or put a sticker on their desk that expresses their beliefs,” he said, commenting that it’s “unfortunate” when employers engage in that type of behavior.
Giavani Cairo, who plays Thaddeus on the show, is one of several The Chosen actors who have commented on the situation, saying that anyone going after the camerman for his Pro-LGBTQ attire is no fan of the show, and “can close the door on the way out”

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My last month paycheck was for 11000 dollars… All i did was simple online work from comfort at home for 3-4 hours/day that I got from this agency I discovered over the internet and they paid me for it 95 bucks every hour…..>
The Chosen actor is so confused. Anyone wearing a “pride” flag is not a brother in Christ. He is living out his rebellion against God as a Romans 1 poster child. And while the actor may want to defend his friend, it is slander to say we are “going at” the gay person. We are just saying you shouldn’t have pervert flags flying in a Christian workplace.
P.S. I love the work Protestia does, but it makes the site look unprofessional when sp&m comments aren’t moderated. Please do something about that!
Just because a show is “about” something also contained in the Bible, does NOT mean that the show and its staff are orthodox. I submit that it would be difficult to find a true believer amongst the show.
What I personally can’t understand is why do so many Alphabet People feel a compulsion to advertise/flaunt their sexual preferences. My wardrobe, while extensive, includes nothing proclaiming my heterosexuality.
The mentally ill/deviant production member is going out of his way to give God Almighty the finger on this set and anyone defending his right to do so obviously does not love or respect God or His Son.
When you are a full on compromiser then these things will continue to happen.
When you have little-to-no standards (at least biblically) then you’ve got nothing to stand on when these things continue to happen.
When you partner with non-Christians and anti-Christians for a Christian/ministry project then expect more and more of this to happen.
When you add to, change, twist, and pervert God’s pure and perfect Word — in obvious defiance of what His Word says — then anything goes, and this will get worse and worse.
However, as alarming, deceitful, and damaging as all of that is, perhaps the bigger problem and concern is that so many Christians have so little discernment and cannot see what is so obvious right in front of them. Instead, they will continue to praise Jenkins, his mixture of truth and error (cp. Gen 3:1ff) and his subversion of God’s Word and biblical Christianity.
Will any of his close friends and those who love him call him out? If so, how will he respond? One pattern has been clearly established, he always responds poorly when confronted with his compromises, error, capitulation, etc. This points to the likelihood that he has been enabled from early on.
Wokeness and biblical Christianity cannot coexist. They are polar opposites, and the antithesis of each other.
A person has to either be faithful to and adhere to God’s Word, or embrace a counterfeit anti-Christian “Christianity” that is fully compliant with the totalitarian world-approved, anti-Christian teachings of Woke-ism.
What in the sam hill does flying the flag of porneia worship have to do with operating a camera?
Just another reason to not watch the show. Such a farce. What does “The Chosen” even refer to then?
I never saw this program before but was preparing to when my boss sent me some files of the program. They have now been deleted unwatched since I have no desire to waste my time on something that has been presented to me under false pretenses.