Unhinged Pro-Choice Prof. Vandalizes Pro-Life Display, Holds Machete to Reporters Neck ‘I’m Going to Chop You Up’

Days ago, Hunter College Art Professor Shellyne Rodriguez demonstrated she’s about as crazy as a rat in a coffee can after accosting students operating a pro-life booth, cursing at them and then flinging their pamphlets and booklets across the table, demanding that they “get this s* the f* out here” because they were “triggering” her students with their “violence.” (Warning: cursing)
After the incident, the New York Post sent a reporter and a photographer to interview her at her home, at which point she grabbed a machete and held it to the reporter’s neck, shouting, “Get the f*** away from my door, or I’m gonna chop you up with this machete!”
The reporters immediately left the premises, but Rodriguez followed them with a machete in hand, screaming, “If I see you on this block one more f***king time, you’re gonna …,” and “Get the f*** off the block! Get the f*** out of here, yo!”
Surprisingly, she was actually terminated for her actions (the machete ,not for vandalizing the pro-life display) with a representative telling the Post
“Hunter College strongly condemns the unacceptable actions of Shellyne Rodriguez and has taken immediate action. Rodriguez has been relieved of her duties at Hunter College effective immediately, and will not be returning to teach at the school.”
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Leftism/Woke-ism holds to a multitude of inverted realities (love is hate, hate is love; saving babies is evil, killing babies is noble and just; etc).
However, the worst part is they are a totalitarian, anti-Christian religion who seek to forcibly impose every single inverted reality/anti-Christ aspect of their religion on to every single human. And they do all this in the name of love, compassion, justice, and even Jesus.
The irony. A self-described marxist, against property rights, yelling “get … away from MY door”, while wielding a weapon. “Rights for me, but not for thee”
Who would’ve ever guessed she would have the same attitude toward the born as she has toward the unborn.
Certainly not me 😛
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