Ontario Students Stay Home in Droves- Up to 1/3- on a Day When Ontario Schools Fly ‘Pride’ Flags

(LifeSiteNews) — Hundreds of students stayed home on May 17 as Ontario schools flew the rainbow “pride” flag.

Over 400 students, including about a third of the student body at Eagle Heights Elementary School in London, Ontario, were absent as schools raised “pride” flags to mark the International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, as reported by The London Free PressMany of the student were from Muslim families.

In response to the absences, Craig Smith, president of the Thames Valley district of the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario, encouraged the board to engage in “courageous conversations” with the Muslim community.

“At the end of the day, there is clearly a big issue there that needs to be addressed,” Smith said.

Tami Murray, president of the umbrella group Oxford County Pride, said she was left “speechless” by the idea of parents keeping children home to avoid the LGBT celebration.

“I guess it’s the parents’ choice, but it’s very unfortunate,” she lamented.

“In a time where the same group (Muslims) has been quite marginalized, you would think that minorities and marginalized groups would unite and support each other,” she added.

One teacher from Thames Valley, the region’s largest school board, was missing almost half her class on Wednesday and said teachers are “tired of fighting against discrimination.”

Thames Valley provided little information as to why the… to continue reading click here.

This article was wrotten by Clare Marie Merkowslyand published at Life Site News

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2 thoughts on “Ontario Students Stay Home in Droves- Up to 1/3- on a Day When Ontario Schools Fly ‘Pride’ Flags

  1. That’s what you call a severely reprobate, destroyed mind – being shocked that Muslims don’t support homosexuality or transvestism.

    Support and indoctrination of abominable sin is reason enough, but I’d pull my children out of those schools just for the sole reason that the deranged “educators” in charge are clearly not mentally fit enough to teach anyone anything worth learning.

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