CA Forced to Pay $1M to Four Churches After Being Sued Over Abortion Coverage

(CBN) California state officials have agreed to pay more than $1 million in legal fees to four churches that sued the state over a mandate that required churches to cover abortions through their health insurance plans. 

Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a nonprofit law firm, successfully resolved two separate lawsuits brought on by Foothill Church, Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, The Shepherd of the Hills Church, and Skyline Wesleyan Church.

In 2015, Foothill Church submitted a formal complaint to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services against the California Department of Managed Health Care over a mandate it issued in response to specific demands from Planned Parenthood. 

According to the ADF, those demands asked agency officials to implement a “fix” requiring the health plans of religious organizations to include abortion coverage, despite the state’s recognition that religious groups shouldn’t be subject to such requirements.

The law firm represented…to continue reading, click here.

This article was written by Talia Wise and posted at CBN

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2 thoughts on “CA Forced to Pay $1M to Four Churches After Being Sued Over Abortion Coverage

  1. There’s nothing the servants of satan enjoy more than trying to provoke, trick, tempt, force, coerce, and extort Christians to sin against and dishonor the Lord.

    The 1st Amendment is not limited to religious organizations. If forcing a religious organization to sin violates it, then so does forcing an individual or nonreligious organization. No such mandates should exist at all. No one should be forced or extorted into sin or the support of sin, of any kind, much less forced to pay for the murder of a child.

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