Mike Todd Compares Himself To Jesus Over Easter Play Criticism; ‘I Walk in the Same Level of Miracles and Adversity’

Pastor Michael Todd leads Transformation Church. He is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service, preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face, (twice) claiming his church had 75k salvations in the last 18 months even though none of them stuck around, had a service where ballet dancers with bare butts danced around the stage, preached in a shirt featuring his wife in in a bathing suit, and claimed that Jesus never reached his potential,
He also garnered massive criticism after the church put on a controversial high production value, hour-long production of their ‘Ransom’ show, which was viewed 1.3 million times on our feed alone, and which many criticized as a worldly, fleshly presentation of the Easter story.
In a recent church service responding to the criticism of his Easter production, Todd claims that it was God’s idea to put it on, not his, and that he is thankful he can walk in the same level of persecution that Jesus did over being obedient to the Father .
The enemy has been trying to convince me for two and a half weeks to vacate my spot and believe the lies of people who don’t know me. The enemy’s tried to rob me of sleep, but then I started to look at the ministry of Jesus. Because I had to go back to my example. I said “I’m not trying to prove nothing to nobody God, YOU’RE the one gave me Ransom. I didn’t want Ransom, you did that.”
And I don’t know anything demonic that got 629 people saved, I don’t know. But when I was looking at the ministry of Jesus there were two things that elevated and spread the kingdom; it was miracles and it was accusations and persecution. Those are the only two things that allowed the message to go.
He would come in and do miracles and and then people would be like ‘Yo Jerome! Y’all know Jerome who couldn’t see? He can see now. Y’all know Carla that didn’t have a hand? She has a hand now.’ And people would go telling the miracles, and then there was another group of people that’d be like ‘but he did it on the wrong day and I don’t know if he got clearance to do that.’ And so it was the two dynamics that allowed the kingdom to be forcefully advanced.
And I don’t know it was somewhere around Monday that I told God “thank-you for considering me and this church worthy to walk in the same level of miracles and adversity that you-‘ everybody wants the miracles, but nobody wants to backlash.”
Editor’s Note. Click here for longer clip with a few extra minutes for more context. h/t Colin Miller on YT.
Narcissist showman.
Maybe Carl Lentz can help this guy with his wardrobe because he dresses like a straight up moron.
It’s Hammer Time—Can’t touch this🎵
Just keep the porneia out of the Lord’s house.