Rick Warren Becomes First ‘Honorary Chancellor’ of Spurgeon’s College

Perhaps no single individual has done as much to stunt the spiritual growth of and sear the modern American evangelical conscience than Rick Warren. With his Peter Drucker-mentored corporatization of the church, his advocacy for purpose-driving, his Schuller-inspired, man-pleasing “gospel,” and his endless ability to taint every would-be solid minister from on his way to becoming the king of dollar store, bargain-bin Christianity, Rick Warren’s career as the leader of the 25,000 members, 14 campus Saddleback Church has been nothing short of infamous. Warren’s brand of cheap, biblically-devoid, “I’m lovin’ it” Christianity has been the junk food that fattened up the American McChurch with so many empty spiritual calories, and he has been nothing if not boastful about it. 

He’s also just been appointed and installed as the “first-ever Chancellor of Spurgeon’s College,” a London-based Baptist Institution that “trains men and women for evangelism, ministry, and pastoral leadership,” according to a press release.

Founded in 1856 Charles Haddon Spurgeon when he was just 22 years old, during the esteemed Baptist preacher’s lifetime, nearly 900 pastors trained at the college, and almost 200 new churches were planted in Britain alone. Now, Warren will be the honorary and ceremonial Head of the institution. It is an official and ambassadorial role where the Chancellor will serve as “a vital advocate for the vision, gospel mission and values (nationally and internationally) of Spurgeon’s College.”

This is the epitome of downgrade. Commenting about the incident, the Dissenter was characteristically fiery, writing:

Charles Spurgeon was a beacon of evangelicalism and a stalwart of biblical truth. Yet, in one fell swoop, the college that bears his name defiles his legacy by aligning itself with a figure whose theology is as far from Spurgeon’s as East is from West. Warren’s ecumenical bent, his wavering from the steadfast road of biblical inerrancy towards a gospel of unity and compromise, is a flagrant betrayal of Spurgeon’s legacy.

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10 thoughts on “Rick Warren Becomes First ‘Honorary Chancellor’ of Spurgeon’s College

    1. That’s funny, Susan😂
      What a joke. Spurgeon would be pointing out Warren in his ‘Sword and Trowl’ paper in what an Apostate looks like.

  1. Seriously, you couldn’t pay me to wear that retarded hat! You have one of those clown spirits (Bozo the Clown Spirit?) the lady with pink hair is always talking about to wear one🎪🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡‼️

  2. The Spurgeon’s College website has the nerve to still put Charles Spurgeon’s photo on it.
    Rick Warren and Charles Spurgeon on the same page. Isn’t that an Oxymoron?
    Little Ricky needs to cut back on the Ho Hos.
    Okay, I’ll stop now.

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