Progressive PCA Pastor Scott Sauls Placed on Indefinite Leave of Absence

Presbyterian Church in America (PCA) Pastor Scott Sauls has been placed on an indefinite leave of absence from Christ Presbyterian Church in Nashville, TN, according to a report from RNS.
In a video message to his congregation, Sauls ironically admitted to a troubling leadership style that was anything but kind and winsome- two traits that he routinely criticized conservatives for not being.
“I verbalized insensitive and verbal criticism of others’ work. I’ve used social media and the pulpit to quiet dissenting viewpoints. I’ve manipulated facts to support paths that I desire…I am grieved to say that I have hurt people. I want to say to all of you that I am sorry.”
We featured Sauls last year after he asked Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships, asking:
Is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some sort of credibility.
Described by the EDW as the “Tim Keller of Nashville, Sauls used to be a pastor at Redeemer Presbyterian Church in NYC. He frequently defended the Revoice movement and served as a foil for conservative Presbyterians, routinely coming across as a slightly more buttoned-up version of David French of Russell Moore in his spewing of leftist propaganda while chastising his critics for being too mean.
Sauls told his church that he would seek counseling for perpetrating such an unhealthy church culture, with his fellow elders also copping to their own shortcomings in allowing it to happen. Sean Davis of the Federalist was pleased at the the news, offering:
This should’ve happened years ago. Sauls is a left-wing ideologue who has repeatedly abused his position to push left-wing politics, in direct contravention of the Bible. He has a well-documented history of openly defying church doctrine and teaching.
Hopefully this is the beginning of a true repentance.
Nice to see the PCA taking a stand here, there are still a few mainline denominations that have not completely surrendered to the culture.
What I don’t get is why Pastor Sauls doesn’t just join the PC(USA) where he’d be welcomed with open arms. Instead these left-wing pastors attempt to corrupt denominations that are striving to remain biblical. The LCMS has the same issue.
I’ve noticed that the woke leaders within evangelical circles are fond of portraying conservatives as “mean” but are themselves highly prone to be clerical bullies.
I believe Scott is a false teacher as he has preached his version of the Word of God, twisting the truth ever so slightly to convince people he is theologically correct. I have experienced his services and heard his sermons so I witnessed it first hand. He admits doing this to further his own agenda rather than God’s Truth.
I pray that Scott will get on his knees and truly repent for leading sheep astray and bullying those who disagree with him. I hope what comes out of all this is that God will be glorified because I believe that God works through all circumstances bad and good.
We should all strive to love others regardless of political leanings but love them enough to tell them the Good News of Jesus Christ coming to save us from our sins. To God be the Glory. Prayers for Christ Presbyterian Church during this time.